Welcome to the Careers Department

Opening hours
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri at   break and lunch
Careers Resource Centre:
Mon and Fri, from 10.30am to 13.30pm
Tues, Wed, Thurs lunch
Mon, Tues, Thurs after school . Please organise this with Mrs Bartlett (Rm 24)
What do we do for you?
  • Provide resources for you to research further study and career options.
  • Set up interviews with Connexions PAs for additional guidance.
  • Provide access to diagnostic computer programs.
  • Provide access to advice and information on a variety of topics which concern young people.
  • Organise activity days covering enterprise, work related learning and careers  guidance.
  • Organise work experience opportunities for year 10, 12 and 13


How can we help you?
  • Show you where you can find information about the career ideas you have.
  • Demonstrate the diagnostic programs, so that you can find out careers based on your abilities and interests.
  • Answer questions you may have about careers and the world of work.
  • Organise the paperwork associated with securing you a work experience placement.
  • Provide guidelines on CV writing and employment applications.
What can you do for yourself?
  • If you have queries write them down and then come to the Careers office.
  • If you are in year 11, 12 or 13 student who needs advice, complete an interview request form and hand it in to the office.
  • Come to the Careers Resource Centre during your free time e.g. lunchtime and do some research about your career ideas.
  • Use the  web sites below to do home enquiry with your parents/carers or on your own.
  • What is a PA? A Connexions PA is a Personal Advisor: Mrs Goold
  • What is a diagnostic program? A computer program which gives you career suggestions based on a quiz you have answered.
  • Can I find things out from home? Yes, using the links below.
  • Can I change my career plans? People change careers all the time. However,  you need to note that courses you have chosen can affect/limit choices.

These links provide you with advice and lots of choice.

If you have questions about the information, please ask!

www.careersbox.co.uk Movie clips of people discussing careers
www.purplepigeon.net General advice for young people
www.4us.org.uk Careers web site for students with disabilities
www.b-live.com Interactive fun careers site for young people. Year 10 have passwords.
www.connbexions.gov.uk/jobs4u Career ideas and information.
www.cambscoursefinder.com Online prospectus for our local area.
www.apprenticeships.org.uk Advice on apprenticeships.
www.aimhigher.ac.uk General advice about courses, careers, finance and much more
www.ucas.com Higher education information.
www.yearoutgroup.org Year out information and links.
www.ema.dfes.gov.uk EMA information.
Information leaflets (Adobe Documents)
Year 12 Careers leaflet Careers department information
Year 13 Careers leaflet Careers department information