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St Ivo School

Welcome to St Ivo School!

Our ethos is about fulfilling potential, ensuring that everyone who comes to our school achieves everything of which they are capable - nothing is more important to us than that.  We are also a friendly, welcoming school, where students work hard and achieve great things, every day!

The key to young people fulfilling their potential is that they receive an outstanding education, which is the sole aim of our school.  Our key aim, as staff, is to ensure that we are providing all our students with that outstanding education.  Another key aspect is to create the conditions in which young people can flourish, so working together to ensure great teaching is a high priority.  From the students, we expect a superb attitude to their learning, extraordinarily hard work every day and outstanding behaviour.

Of course, examination results matter, but St Ivo School is about much more than examination results.  It is about providing students with a broad, balanced and enriching experience of school life, in a caring environment, that will help them develop as confident, active citizens of the 21st century, who can make their own contribution towards making our world a better place.

We are an open school; if you would like to come and see us, please do contact us.  We would love to see you!

Useful links:

Uniform: information pack and benchmarking information

DfE performance tables

School Improvement Plan

Self Evaluation Form

Ofsted reports: May 2014, January 2015, June 2015 letter & action plan

Parents handbooks: Year 7 - 11, Sixth Form

Sixth Form Prospectus. The application form is available as a separate document for easy printing. Our entry requirements booklet will be available soon. Parents/carers and students may also wish to refer to information regarding A level changes on the curriculum changes page.

Governors' News

Please see the Governors' page for latest news items, which include:

  • Community Governor vacancy
  • Governance Improvement Plan
  • National Governors' Association External Review of Governance - report publication
IVO News

Week beginning Monday 19th October - Week B

We hope that Year 6 and Year 11 parents/carers and students enjoyed our Open Evening.

The Sixth Form Prospectus is now available for prospective Year 12 students and parents. The application form is available as a separate document for easy printing. Our entry requirements booklet will be available soon.

School GCSE results well above national and Cambridgeshire average

We are pleased to announce that the government has recently released the provisional statistics for the 2015 GCSE results and it is clear that we are well above the national and Cambridgeshire averages for 5+A*-C including English and maths. The National figure is 56% (state schools), Cambridgeshire is 58% and ours is 64%. Well done Year 11 2015!

Dance Department News

A huge congratulations to all the boys who took part in the Zoie Logic Dance Theatre Workshop on Wednesday. You all performed fantastically and created some amazing partner work over the course of the day. Well done!

Information Evenings & Parent Handbook

It was great to see so many parents at our recent information evenings for Years 7 - 10 & 12, and we look forward to meeting Year 11 parents in March for an information evenings focusing on revision for final GCSE exams.

If you have not yet received your copy of our parent handbook, this should be with you in the next week. Alternatively, you can access online copies: Year 7 – 11 handbook, Sixth Form handbook. Please note that a few dates were misprinted in the paper copy of the handbook. For the most up to date list of dates for your child’s year group, please refer to the diary dates page which is updated throughout the year.

St Ivo School is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales with registered number 07703797.
The registered office is St Ivo School, High Leys, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE27 6RR. Telephone number 01480 375400.
St Ivo School's VAT registration number is 127125733.