Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE AS/A2 Level Useful Links Fun Stuff

A2 Level Coursework

Unit F965: Historical Interpretations and Investigations

1. Interpretations: Russian Revolutions 1894-1924

A taught unit based upon sources provided by the exam board. Students must complete a 2,000 word piece of coursework. Students will have the advantage of being familiar with a large part of this dramatic period of Russian history from their GCSE studies.

2. Investigations:

A piece of work up to 2,000 words involving a personal investigation decided by students themselves. Over previous years, some of the titles have included: To what extent was Haig the ‘Butcher of the Somme’? How far was Mao in control of the Cultural Revolution? To what extent were the Suffragettes the key reason why women gained the vote in 1918?

Assessment: both pieces of coursework are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Weighting: 20% A level

Links and Resources


Lenin Internet Archive

Marx and Engels Internet Archive

Works by Trotsky 

Leon Trotsky 

Russian Revolution Posters 

Russia and the Soviet Union 1917 - 1945 

Internet Modern History Sourcebook - Russian Revolution 

Russia interactive diagrams (scroll down the page and look in the left column)

Russia links



"War is the locomotive of change" - help sheet for researching this possible coursework question


History Today Past and Present
BBC History Magazine English Historical Review
Economic History Review Journal of American History
Cambridge Historical Journal Journal of Contemporary History
British Journal of Political Science Political Science Quarterly
Social History International Review of Social History
Science and Society Oral History
Comparative Studies in Society and History


Heinemann Hodder & Stoughton
Longman Macmillan


Cambridgeshire Libraries Catalogue Anglia Polytechnic University Library
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
AS/A2 Level