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Unit 1: Outline Study - International Relations 1943-1991

  • How did the Cold War develop? 1943-1956.
  • Three Cold War crises: Berlin, Cuba and Czechoslovakia 1957-1969.
  • Why did the Cold War end? The invasion of Afghanistan (1979) to the collapse of the Soviet Union (1991).

Links to websites (please note that some of these links lead to PDF files or PowerPoint presentations):

Origins of the Cold War Superpower ideologies
Cold War ideologies Cold War atomic bomb
The Space/Arms Race The Berlin Blockade
Cold War match-up quiz Online revision lesson (recommended)
Other Cold War links Cold War online revision (recommended)
The Cuban Missile Crisis interactive storyboard (recommended) Cold War - History Learning Site
Superpower Relations interactive diagrams (scroll down the page to the links on the right)
Cold War - Learning Curve exhibition covering a variety of aspects of this period of history
Cold War revision Cold War timeline

The Vietnam war 1963 - 1975 is an important event to remember when studying modules on USA (Divided Union) 1945-1970, and International relations 1943-1991.  You need to briefly know: reasons for US intervention in Vietnam; why the USA was defeated; the impact of the war on the USA, Indo-China, and superpower relations.

  • Reasons for US involvement in Vietnam.
  • The nature of the conflict: guerrilla warfare; Operation Rolling Thunder; the Tet offensive.
  • The impact of the war on the peoples of Vietnam and the USA during the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Reasons for the US defeat.
  • The reunification of Vietnam.
  • Consequences for the USA of its failure in Vietnam.

Vietnam links


Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
AS/A2 Level