Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 GCSE AS/A2 Level Useful Links Fun Stuff

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Course topics

Describe the key features of the Tsarist economic system

Describe the key features of the Tsarist social system

Describe the key features of the Tsar's political system

Opposition to the Tsar by 1914

Explain the effects of World War 1 on Russia by 1917

Explain why the Tsar was overthrown Feb Revolution 191

Provisional Government problems and opposition March to October 1917

Explain why the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in October 1917

Explain how the Bolsheviks imposed control 1917-1921

Describe the key features of the Russian Civil War 1918-1921

Why did the Bolsheviks win the Civil War?

The struggle to succeed Lenin as leader 1924-29

Explain how Stalin overcame his leadership rivals - 1924 - 1929

Describe the key features of Stalin's purges

Propaganda and censorship under Stalin

How to answer exam questions

How to do Russia exam Q1a - 4 marks

How to do Russia exam Q1b - 6 marks

How to do Russia exam Q1c - 8 marks

How to do Russia exam Q1d - 8 marks

How to do Russia Q2a or Q2b

How to do Russia Q3a or Q3b

Examples of exam answers

Q1a what does source A tell us about Tsar's problems?

Q1b Describe key features - Tsarist government before Feb Revolution 1917

Q1c - Explain effects of Feb Revolution 1917

Q1d - Explain why Bolsheviks seized power October 1917

Q2a - Explain how Lenin's economic policies changed

Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
AS/A2 Level