Unit Content - Spreadsheets

1 Identify and use spreadsheet software correctly

                    a use appropriate application software

  • identify appropriate software for the task (eg spreadsheet)

  • understand correct procedures for using chosen software

  • appreciate the differences between spreadsheet software and alternatives (formulae, automatic recalculation)

2 Use an input device to enter and edit data accurately

a insert text and numerical data
b insert row/column
c delete row/column
d amend text and numerical data

  • understand the use of an input device to enter data

  • appreciate the need for accuracy and the importance of checking output against expectations

  • understand the software's tools for adding and deleting rows and columns and appreciate the difference between deleting, hiding and clearing

  • understand how to amend data

3 Insert, replicate and format arithmetical formulae

a use formulae that produce correct results
b replicate formulae (fill)
c recalculate data

  • understand the structure of a formula and the use of mathematical operators (+,-,*,/) and brackets

  • understand how to fill/replicate down a column or along a row and appreciate the effects on relative cell references

  • appreciate that amending data may cause an automatic recalculation of the results of formulae based on that data

4 Use common numerical formatting and alignment

a align text
b align numerical data
c display as integer (to 0
decimal places)
d display as decimal to 2
decimal places
e display as currency (to
include � sign)

  • understand the left, right and centre alignment of cell data

  • understand how to format numerical data to display in integer (0 decimal places) and/or in 2 decimal place format and appreciate the difference between the data that is shown and the data that is used for calculations

  • understand how to format numerical data to display a � sign and appreciate that currency data is not always presented to 2 decimal places

  • appreciate common conventions for the display of spreadsheet data

5 Manage and print spreadsheet documents

a create a new spreadsheet
b save spreadsheet
c save spreadsheet with new
d print with formulae showing
in full
e print with data showing in full
f close spreadsheet

  • understand document management in the chosen software (file menu, new, save, save as, close)

  • understand how to change column width and appreciate the need to leave additional space for differences in printer output

  • understand how to set the spreadsheet to print with the formulae showing and appreciate the changes to the display that may result

  • understand how to print a document from the chosen software using default print settings