Unit Content - Using a Computer

1 Identify and use a computer workstation and system software

a switch on computer and monitor safely
b use a personal computer and printer to produce a document
c navigate the operating system
d load application software
e use an input device to enter data
f shut down operating system

  • identify, distinguish between and be able to operate hardware and software
  • understand the generic components of common operating systems and their functions (windows, icons, buttons, menus, pointer, cursor, toolbars, etc )
  • identify and distinguish between software elements (applications, data files/documents, directories/folders)
  • appreciate the advantages of a Graphic User Interface in Using IT (WYSIWYG etc)
  • appreciate safe working practice in using a computer (location and positioning of workstation, chair, screen, keyboard) to reduce risk of strain-type injuries

2 Locate and access data on a computer

a gain access to data using a login and/or password
b use file search facilities
c find a specified file

  • appreciate the need for security in the production of documents, and the risks and consequences of unauthorised access to computers and networks (viruses, secure data, computer misuse etc
  • understand simple login procedures
  • understand how to change a password and be aware of good practice in selecting passwords
  • understand how to locate data and files using the features of the system software

3 Input small amounts of unformatted text, numbers and symbols

a enter text
b enter numbers
c enter symbols
d amend an existing document

  • understand how to use a keyboard or other input device to enter text, numbers and symbols (=-/#.,:@?!�&%+*), including use of the shift key and return or enter key
  • understand the need for accurate data input
  • understand the role of the cursor and mouse/pointer combination in selecting the edit point

4 Print a document using the default printer settings

a switch on printer safely
b load paper
c print document

  • understand the safe use of the selected print facility
  • understand how to load paper correctly
  • understand the use of default print facilities

5 Manage documents and data

a create a new document
b open an existing document
c save an existing document
d save a document with a new filename
e close document

  • understand generic document management terms and operations (file menu, new, open, save, save as, close)
  • understand how to navigate filing systems from within generic open/save dialogs
  • understand the need to save documents on a regular basis and the reasons for saving with a new filename