Before you start the OCR Nationals course properly, you need to revisit important safety issues regarding the use of computers wherever you are - at school, home and at work.
Your Heath and Safety task has been designed to be similar to the tasks you will undertake in this course, in a format that is very close to the support you will be able to access for all of the tasks in the Units you cover. So not only will you develop your understanding of health and safety issues in ICT, you will also start to become familiar with the ways in which you will be working in the next two years!
Start by going to Important Information about the Health and Safety task. This will give you an overview of what you need to complete in the next two lessons.
Then, move to Sub Tasks. Here you will see how the task has been broken down into more manageable activities!
Use Help if you need support in using MS PowerPoint (this is the application you will be using for the Health and Safety task).
Test your understanding if you would like to test yourself before you begin the work!
When you look at other tasks in this Unit, you will see that there are also;
- Assessment Objectives
- Examples of Students work & Examiners Commentary
- Real World Examples
- Checklist for Task
Your teacher will explain how you will use these resources as you begin the tasks for OCR Nationals.