Marking & Feedback
Mission Statement

Downloadable Documents :
Marking, Assessment & Feedback Policy Literacy & Marking Poster
Feedback - Detailed Guidance Document Feedback - PowerPoint from Staff Meeting

FEEDBACK: Regular high quality feedback moves learning forward

    • Feedback means providing written or verbal comments about some work.
    • Feedback must cause thinking to happen. So, it should be a task or question.
    • Students must then respond, hence creating a ‘dialogue’.
    • Example of written feedback by a teacher at the end of a piece of work:
    • STRENGTH - The teacher writes in red: ‘STRENGTH: 3 explained reasons given – well done John.
    • ACTION - The teacher then writes in red: ‘ACTION: In the conclusion, can you say what was the most important reason, and why?
    • RESPONSE - The student, on receiving the marked work, then writes in green: ‘RESPONSE: In conclusion, I think the most important reason was...because...’