As teachers we all have the responsibility of making use of ICT in our curriculum areas to stimulate and enhance the learning experiences we provide for our students; indeed making use of ICT in the classroom is a requirement of the National Curriculum. With all classrooms at St Ivo now having projector and IWB facilities it is all the more important that we ensure that we are making full use of these valuable teaching aids to provide our students with the best possible experiences consistently, throughout all curriculum areas. �When I go to school I have to power down� (American High School Student) Our students are living in a digital world and for many students they are used to using ICT in many different forms throughout their everyday lives, from computers to mobile devices such as phones, ipods and games consoles, indeed many have their own online networks in which they are collaborating with many others, in some instances locally and globally. These are powerful tools that we can tap into to help engage our students. So why are we not making more use of the technologies that more and more of our students have readily available? Whilst providing practical everyday ideas for making the most of IWBs etc the ICT in practice group sets out to also explore the use of online technologies and mobile devices which many students have access to, to add an extra dimension to their learning throughout the curriculum. Overall aim:
All the resources and weblinks from the sessions can be found on the ICT blog which also includes weekly updates of the latest ideas, tips and tricks for making the most ICT |