Official documentation and MFL organisations
Examination boards and awarding bodies |
Useful French contacts French embassy Site of the Ministere de la Culture et de la Communication |
Useful German contacts Goethe-Institute German embassy in America |
Teacher Resources
Create flashcards, bingo cards and quizzes. https://lang.swarthmore.edu/makers/ Create interactive activities (gap-fill, match-up, memory..) www.cict.co.uk/software/textoys/index.htm Textoys enables yo to generate fill-gap or unjumble-the-words exercises |
Search engines |
Revision sites Material for KS3, GCSE and A level students |
MFL Resources on the Internet More than 100 interactive exercises for students of French, Years 7 13. The Wildernesse School's French Website - loads of links listed by topic. Quick reference site for KS3 students. Designed by an LSA. Marshalls Park School French resources Route Nationale www.hughchristie.kent.sch.uk/french Host of French material KS� to A level www.bonjourdefrance.com Online magazine with reading activities, grammar, vocabulary, games for all levels https://languagesforall.com Interactive activities for French and German https://www2.corvallis.k12.or.us/chs/staff/curtise Loads of Quia activities for Zickzack Neu 2 and 3 and lots of links. Also grammar exercises. |