UG008982 � Specification � Edexcel GCSE in Science: Single, Double, Separate Sciences B �
37Issue 1 � November 2000
Module 8: Health and Exercise
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
describe how the structure of the thorax enables ventilation of the lungs and efficient gas exchange (to include trachea, cartilage rings, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm, ribs and intercostal muscles) (8.01)
describe the process of inhaling (breathing in) (8.02)
explain how the membrane lining the internal surface of the nose and lungs traps dirt particles and bacteria and the role of the cilia in eliminating these (8.03)
explain how cigarette smoke can lead to emphysema (8.04)
describe how the tar in cigarette smoke contains carcinogens, which can cause lung cells to mutate to form lung cancer (8.05)
describe some methods people can use to help them to give up smoking (8.06)
The circulation
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
describe the main features of the circulatory system to include the circulation to the lungs and circulation to the rest of the body (8.07)
explain how the structure of a red blood cell relates to its function (8.08)
explain how the structure of the heart relates to its function, including the role of the valves (8.09)
recall that the coronary vessels supply the heart muscle with glucose and oxygen (8.10)
recall that a pulse is caused by blood pumping along an artery from the heart (8.11)
describe how the structure of arteries and veins relate to their function (8.12)
explain how substances are transferred by diffusion between tissues and capillaries (8.13)
explain the effects of life style and diet on the circulatory system (8.14)
describe the general effects of heart disease and arteriosclerosis (8.15)
understand how insulin produced by the pancreas regulates the glucose concentration in the blood (8.16)
explain the advantages to diabetics of the use of human insulin produced by genetically modified bacteria (8.17)Respiration, Energy and Exercise
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
recall that aerobic respiration provides energy for work (8.18)
explain how glucose and oxygen diffuse from capillaries into respiring cells, and how carbon dioxide diffuses from respiring cells into capillaries (8.19)
explain why heart rate and breathing rate increase with exercise and interpret data on these measurements (8.20)
explain why respiration is increased in exercising muscles and why diffusion of oxygen and carbon dioxide at the lung surface and muscle cells is increased (8.21)
explain why during vigorous exercise, muscle cells may not receive sufficient oxygen for their energy requirements (8.22)
understand that during anaerobic respiration, glucose is changed to lactic acid and energy is released (8.23)
recall that lactic acid causes muscle cramp (8.24)
explain why extra oxygen is needed to remove the lactic acid (oxygen debt) (8.25)
Misuse of Drugs
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
recall the effects of steroid abuse in young people and athletes (8.26)
Inherited Diseases
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
describe the mechanism of inheritance of some genetic disorders, to include cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anaemia (8.27)
recall the symptoms of cystic fibrosis (8.28)
recall the symptoms of sickle cell anemia (8.29)
explain the potential of gene therapy for the relief of symptoms of inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis (8.30)
understand why gene therapy would not prevent the disease from being passed on to the next generation (8.31)
explain how genetic counseling and pedigree analysis can identify carriers; discuss the moral and spiritual dilemmas relating to testing of fetuses for genetic disease (8.32)