A2 Module 4
Further Physical and Organic
This module develops the concepts of physical chemistry introduced
in the foundation modules. Kinetics and equilibria are both treated
quantitatively. Acids, bases and buffer solutions and the changes in
pH during titrations are considered.
The study of organic chemistry is extended to include compounds
containing the carbonyl group, aromatic compounds, amines, amino
acids and polymers. The final section examines the way in which
spectroscopic techniques are used to determine the molecular
formulae and structures of organic compounds. The emphasis is on
problem solving rather than on spectroscopic theory.
Wherever possible, candidates should carry out experimental work to
illustrate the theoretical principles included in this module.
Candidates should:
13.1 Kinetics
13.1.1 Simple rate equations
understand and be able to use rate equations of theform Rate = k[A]
13.1.2 Determination of rate
be able to derive the rate equation for a reaction fromequation
data relating initial rate to the concentrations of thedifferent reactants.
be able to explain the qualitative effect of changes in temperature on the rate constant k.
13.2 Equilibria
13.2.1 Equilibrium constants
K c and know that K c is the equilibrium constantK
p for homogeneous systems calculated from equilibrium concentrations fora system at constant temperature.
know that
be able to derive partial pressures from mole fractions and total pressure.
be able to construct an expression for
K c or K p for an homogeneous system in equilibrium; be able to perform calculations involving such expressions.13.2.2 Qualitative effects of
be able to predict the effects of changes ofchanges of pressure,
temperature, pressure and concentration on the temperature and position of equilibrium and on the value of theconcentration
equilibrium constant.know that a catalyst does not affect the value of the equilibrium constant.
13.3 Acids and Bases
13.3.1 Brønsted-Lowry acid�base
know that an acid is a proton donor.equilibria in aqueous
know that a base is a proton acceptor.Solution
know that acid�base equilibria involve the transfer ofprotons.
13.3.2 Definition and
know that pH = �log10 [H+], where [ ] represents thedetermination of pH
concentration in mol dm-3 .be able to convert concentration into pH and vice-versa.
be able to calculate the pH of a solution of a strong acid from its molar concentration.
13.3.3 The ionic product of water,
know that water is weakly dissociated.K
w know that Kw = [H+][OH-] = 10-14 mol2 dm-6 at 25�Cbe able to calculate the pH of a strong base from its molar
13.3.4 Weak acids and bases
know that weak acids and weak bases dissociate onlypartially in aqueous solution.
know that
pKa = �log10 Kabe able to calculate the pH of a weak acid from the dissociation constant,
be able to perform calculations relating pH to
pKa for weak acids.13.3.6 pH curves, titrations and
understand the typical shape of pH curves for acid�indicators
base titrations in all combinations of weak and strongmonoprotic acids and bases; be able to perform calculations for these titrations.
understand the shape of the pH curves for the titration of sodium carbonate with monoprotic acids, e.g. HCl, and of diprotic acids, e.g. ethanedioic acid, with NaOH and be able to perform calculations for these titrations.
know that indicators change colour over a narrow pH range; be able to select an appropriate indicator by consideration of the pH curve.
13.3.7 Buffer action
be able to explain the action of acidic and basic buffersboth qualitatively and quantitatively.
be able to calculate the pH of buffer solutions.
13.4 Nomenclature and
Isomerism in Organic
13.4.1 Naming organic compounds
be able to apply IUPAC rules for nomenclatureto simple organic compounds, limited to chains with up to 6 carbon atoms and the functional groups listed in this module and in AS3.
13.4.2 Isomerism
know and understand the meaning of the term structuralisomerism.
know that geometrical isomerism and optical isomerism are forms of stereoisomerism.
understand that geometrical isomers exist in
know that an asymmetric carbon atom is chiral and gives rise to optical isomers which exist as mirror images and differ only in their effect on plane-polarised light.
understand the meaning of the terms enantiomer and racemate.
understand why racemates are formed.
be able to draw the structures of isomers.
13.5 Compounds Containing the
Carbonyl Group
13.5.1 Aldehydes and ketones
recall that aldehydes are readily oxidised to carboxylicacids and that this forms the basis of a simple chemical test to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones (e.g. Fehling�s solution or Tollen�s reagent).
recall that aldehydes can be reduced to primary alcohols and ketones to secondary alcohols using reducing agents such as NaBH4.
Mechanisms showing H
understand the mechanism of the reaction of carbonyl compounds with HCN as a further example of nucleophilic addition producing hydroxynitriles.
13.5.2 Carboxylic acids and esters
know that carboxylic acids are weak acids butwill liberate CO2
know that carboxylic acids and alcohols react, in the presence of a strong acid catalyst, to give esters.
know that esters can have pleasant smells.
know the common uses of esters (e.g. as solvents, plasticisers and food flavourings).
know that esters can be hydrolysed, including the production of soap, glycerol and higher fatty acids from naturally-occurring esters.
13.5.3 Acylation
know the reactions of water, alcohols, ammonia andprimary amines with acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides.
understand the mechanism of nucleophilic addition�elimination reactions between water, alcohols, ammonia and primary amines with acyl chlorides.
understand the industrial advantages of ethanoic anhydride over ethanoyl chloride in the manufacture of the drug aspirin.
13.6 Aromatic Chemistry
13.6.1 Bonding
limited to planar structure and bond length intermediate between single and double.
13.6.2 Delocalisation stability
understand that delocalisation confers stability to themolecule.
be able to use thermochemical evidence from enthalpies of hydrogenation to illustrate this principle.
13.6.3 Electrophilic substitution
understand that electrophilic attack in arenes resultsin substitution; mechanisms limited to the monosubstitutions given below.
13.6.4 Nitration
understand that nitration is an important step in synthesis(e.g. explosive manufacture and formation of amines from which dyestuffs are manufactured).
understand the mechanism of nitration, including the generation of the nitronium ion.
13.6.5 Friedel�Crafts reactions
understand that Friedel�Crafts alkylation andacylation reactions are important steps in synthesis.
understand the mechanism of alkylation and acylation using AlCl3
know that industrially ethylbenzene is manufactured from benzene and ethene using HCl/AlCl3
; know that this is an important intermediate in the manufacture of polystyrene (details of processes not required).13.7 Amines
13.7.1 Base properties
be able to explain the difference in base strength between(Brønsted�Lowry)
ammonia, primary aliphatic and primary aromatic aminesin terms of the availability of a lone pair on the N atom.
13.7.2 Nucleophilic properties
understand that the nucleophilic substitution reactions(including mechanism) of ammonia and amines with haloalkanes form primary, secondary, tertiary amines and quaternary ammonium salts; know the use of the latter as cationic surfactants.
13.7.3 Preparation
know that primary aliphatic amines can be prepared fromhaloalkanes and by the reduction of nitriles.
know that aromatic amines are prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds.
13.8 Amino Acids
13.8.1 Acid and base properties
understand that amino acids have both acidic andbasic properties.
13.8.2 Proteins
understand that proteins are sequences of amino acidsjoined by peptide links.
understand that hydrolysis of the peptide link produces the constituent amino acids.
understand the importance of hydrogen bonding in proteins (detailed structures not required).
13.9 Polymers
13.9.1 Addition polymers
know that addition polymers may be formed directly fromcompounds containing C=C bonds.
be able to draw polymer structures from monomer structures and vice versa.
understand that polyalkenes are chemically inert and therefore non-biodegradable.
13.9.2 Condensation polymers
understand that condensation polymers may beformed by reactions between dibasic acids and diols, between dicarboxylic acids and diamines and between amino acids.
know the linkage of the repeating units of polyesters (e.g. Terylene) and polyamides (e.g. nylon 6,6).
understand that polyesters and polyamides can be broken down by hydrolysis and are, therefore, biodegradable (mechanisms not required).
13.10 Organic Synthesis and
13.10.1 Applications
13.11 Structure Determination
13.11.1 Data sources
13.11.2 Mass spectrometry
understand that mass spectrometry can be used todetermine the molecular formula of a compound from the mass of the molecular ion.
understand that the fragmentation of a molecular ion
gives rise to a characteristic relative abundance spectrum
(rearrangement processes not required).
know that the more stable X+ species give higher peaks, limited to carbocation and acylium (RCO+ ) ions.
13.11.3 Infra-red spectroscopy
understand that certain groups in a molecule absorbinfra-red radiation at characteristic frequencies.
understand that "fingerprinting" allows identification of a molecule by comparison of spectra.
be able to use spectra to identify particular functional groups and to identify impurities, limited to data presented in wave-number form.
13.11.4 Nuclear magnetic
understand that nuclear magnetic resonance givesresonance spectroscopy
information about the relative number and position of hydrogen atoms in a molecule.understand that proton n.m.r. spectra are obtained using samples dissolved in proton-free solvents (e.g. deuterated solvents and CCl4
).understand why tetramethylsilane (TMS) is used as a standard.
know the use of the
d scale for recording chemical shift.understand that chemical shift depends on the molecular
understand how integrated spectra indicate the relative numbers of protons in different environments.
be able to use the