A2 Option Module 7
ways in which microorganisms are used in the rapidly expanding field of biotechnology, and how pathogenic microbes cause disease. The principles involved in culturing microorganisms and obtaining useful products from them provide opportunities for practical experience of basic microbiological techniques. It is essential that all Health and Safety procedures are followed. As well as covering the transmission and effects of bacterial and viral pathogens, the module includes a study of how both natural defence systems and medical treatments can be used to combat disease.
In the assessment of this module a knowledge and understanding of relevant content from Modules 1 to 5 will be assumed.
15.7 Bacteria
Structure and function
Characteristic features of bacteria, (including cell wall, cellmembrane, nuclear zone, 70S ribosomes, mesosomes, flagella, plasmids and capsule � as listed in Section 10.2) and the major functions of these structures.
Nutrition and binary fission
Bacteria may obtain energy from sunlight, inorganicsubstances or from organic substances. (Details of processes not required.)
Binary fission as the main method of reproduction.
15.8 Culturing bacteria
Aseptic techniques
Aseptic techniques and health and safety procedures inhandling, culturing and disposing of bacteria.
Monitoring the growth of
The techniques of haemocytometry, turbidimetry and bacteria dilution plating.The distinction between total and viable counts.
Population growth pattern
Typical growth curve of a bacterial population andreasons for lag phase, exponential phase, stationary phase and death phase.
Effect of temperature, pH, nutrient availability and oxygen availability on growth.
Use of a bacterial lawn as a bioassay technique to determine the effectiveness of antibiotics and disinfectants on inhibition of bacterial growth.
Candidates should be able to
analyse and interpret experimental data from microbial growth investigations.15.9 Commercial biotechnology
Screening procedures
The advantages of using microorganisms for industrialprocesses.
Screening procedures are carried out to identify the most suitable microorganisms to use for a particular process; for example, fungi can be screened for antibiotic production and casein can be used to identify protease production by bacteria.
Continuous and batch
The relative advantages and disadvantages of continuous cultures and batch culturing techniques.Useful products from
The microorganisms used and the main stages in the microorganisms production of penicillin.Downstream processing is carried out to extract and purify the end-product of fermentation.
Candidates should be able to
use information provided to explain the purpose of various parts of industrial fermenters and the stages involved in biotechnological processes.Isolated enzymes
It is more efficient to use isolated enzymes than wholecells because enzyme concentration is higher and there are no unwanted enzymes present.
Immobilised enzymes
Isolated enzymes can be immobilised so that they do notcontaminate the end-products and can be used over and over again.
Immobilisation can be achieved by bonding the enzyme with a cross-linking agent, entrapment inside a gel, and by binding the enzyme on to the surface of an absorbing agent.
15.10 Bacterial disease
The factors affecting pathogenicity of bacteria, to include:Transmission
Food-borne and water-borne infection, exemplified bySalmonella food poisoning and E.coli.
Precautions to avoid contamination of food and water.
Human carriers. Treatment of diarrhoea.
15.11 Viral disease
Characteristics of viruses
The structural features of a virus, exemplified by theinfluenza virus and HIV.
The course of infection, signs, symptoms andtransmission of influenza and of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
The process of replication of the influenza virus and of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
How viruses cause disease
Damage to host cells due to viral replication and theproduction of toxins. How HIV causes AIDS. Reasons for the difficulty in treating viral infections.
Candidates should be able to
suggest strategies for reducing the incidence of influenza and preventing the spread of HIV.15.12 Protection against disease
Natural defence mechanisms
The roles of the skin, tears, mucus, saliva and cilia inpreventing microorganisms gaining access to living cells.
The process of phagocytosis and the roles of phagocytic white blood cells (neutrophils and macrophages) in destroying, and preventing the spread of, microorganisms that enter the blood and other tissues.
The immune response
Antigens, as substances that are �foreign� to the individual organism exposed to them. They usually take the form of a protein, polysaccharide or glycoprotein structure:Cell-mediated immunity
Production of T lymphocytes in bone marrow andactivation by the thymus. Recognition of antigens by specific, membrane-bound receptor molecules on T lymphocytes. Cloning of T lymphocytes, and destruction of bacteria and cells with antigens.
Antibody-mediated immunity
Production of B lymphocytes, and activation byantigens attached to macrophage membrane. Cloning of B-lymphocytes, and production of specific antibodies. Antibody structure, and formation of antibody-antigen complex.
The role of antibodies in:
Immunological memory
The effects of antigenic variability in some pathogens, such as influenza virus, on immunity.
The principle that vaccines contain antigens derived frompathogens, which can protect against infection by that organism.
The principles involved in the production of, and the method of administering, the following types of vaccine:
Passive immunity
The use of antibodies to counteract possible infection,and the reason for its temporary effectiveness. Natural passive immunity in young babies.
The mode of action of antibiotics in the treatment ofdiseases caused by bacteria and fungi. Effects of antibiotics on cell walls and membranes, and on nucleic acid and protein synthesis.
The principle of selection of particular antibiotics for treatment of specific diseases, and the roles of broad spectrum and narrow spectrum antibiotics.
Antibiotic resistance
The process by which an antibiotic resistant strain ofbacterium may develop. Transfer of resistance genes between bacteria. Mechanisms of resistance, such as the production of penicillinase.
The impact of resistant strains on the treatment of disease and the use of antibiotics.