


Year 7: all students study a play by Shakespeare, a novel, poetry, literature including pre-twentieth century works, a range of non-fiction, writing skills, readings skills, grammar and spelling, and developing personal reading habits.

Year 8: all students study in detail a play by Shakespeare, analyse a novel, write and study poetry, work on literature including pre-twentieth century works and the social, cultural and historical contexts, a range of non-fiction including print media and journalism, writing skills, readings skills, grammar and spelling and developing and extending personal reading habits.

Year 9: all students work on pre-GCSE projects, mirroring the structure and assessment of GCSE. This includes study in detail a play by Shakespeare, analyse a novel, write and study poetry, work on literature including pre-twentieth century works and the social, cultural and historical contexts, a range of non-fiction including print media and journalism, writing skills, readings skills, grammar and spelling and vocabulary extension.

Key Stage 4: we offer, for all students, double entry GCSE English Language and English Literature. We use the Eduqas specification – English Language details available here, English Literature details can be found here.

Post 16: we offer A Level English Literature with OCR – details available here. We also offer a one-year GCSE re-take course with an option for a November re-sit.

You can follow the English department on Twitter @StIvoEngKS3, @StIvoEngKS4 and @StIvoEngKS5


Year 7: topics include whole numbers and decimals, perimeter and area, expressions and formulae, fractions, decimals and percentages, angles and 2D shape, graphs, whole number calculations, statistics, transformations and symmetry, equations, factors and multiples, constructions and 3D shapes, sequences, multiplying and dividing, ratio and proportion, probability and everyday maths.

Year 8: students build on the topics covered in Year 7 to a higher degree of difficulty appropriate to the level of the child. For example Year 7 graphs begin with identifying and plotting co-ordinates, this moves on through Year 7 and into Year 8 where children are using formula to plot, draw and name lines on graphs.

Key Stage 4 (including Year 9): students study GCSE Maths with Edexcel – details available here. The scheme of work giving a breakdown of topics can be found here.

Post 16: we offer A Level Mathematics with AQA - details available here. In Year 12, students complete 2 Pure Mathematics modules (MPC1 and MPC2), and also study an Applied module, currently Mechanics (MMB). In Year 13, students complete 2 more Pure modules (MPC3 and MPC4) and the Decision applied module, to bring the total modules to 6. Those students wishing to broaden and deepen their knowledge can study A Level Further Mathematics with AQA alongside A Level Mathematics – details can be found here. A varied combination of modules is offered, from Statistics, Further Pure and more Mechanics, with St Ivo students often collaboratively choosing the modules they study to maximise their potential.

You can follow the Maths department on Twitter @StIvoMaths

Art & Design

Year 7: students gain an understanding of colour mixing and its application through the use of paint, collage and pencil crayon. Observational and imaginative drawing, together with experimentation will be carried out in sketchbooks. Outcomes will be developed through a variety of 2 and 3 dimensional processes.

Year 8: students gain an understanding of the formal elements learnt in yr7 by using a variety of media. Perspective will be introduced, with textiles and 3 dimensional work being included.

Year 9: a GCSE style project (thematic) will overarch all work undertaken in year 9. Practical work will evolve through recording development and experimentation using a range of media and techniques. Students gain an understanding of how sketchbooks can be used to present preparatory studies in preparation for final outcomes. The overall aim is to give students an insight into what to expect if they were to take an Art endorsement for GCSE.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, we offer GCSE Art & Design with Edexcel - details can be found here. Students choose from Fine Art (Drawing and Painting) 1FA0, Textiles 1TE0 or Three Dimensional Design (Pottery) 1TD0. Current Year 11 students are studying the 2009 specification GCSE Art & Design with Edexcel – details available here. Students opt from the following pathways - Fine Art (drawing & painting) 2FA01, Textiles 2TE01 or Three Dimensional Design (pottery/sculpture) 2TD01.

Post 16: we offer A Level Art & Design with Edexcel – details available here. Students opt from the following pathways:

We also offer Applied Art & Design as a double award with Edexcel – details can be found here.

Business Studies and Economics

Key Stage 4: we offer the following courses:

Post 16: we offer A Level Economics and Business Studies, together with Applied Business which is a single vocational award. We offer the Cambridge Nationals as above as part of the bridging year suite of courses.

Careers Information and Guidance

With the rapidly changing world, it is important that our students are well informed to enable them to make the best choices for their future. To enable our students to prepare for life beyond school and to make independent decisions; the Careers and Work Related Learning Department offers a variety of opportunities for them throughout the academic year.

Year 8 students participate in an Enterprise activity in July

Year 9 students attend a World of Work morning in January

Year 10 students participate in a 2 week Work Experience – information for current Year 10 parents and students can be found in the presentation and booklet.

Year 11 students work with the diagnostic program Kudos to help them make subject choices based on their career and work interests. They also have the opportunity to attend the World of Work event in January. In addition students use a Careers booklet in tutor time to complete exercises to help them crystallise their ideas.

Year 12 students attend a Pathways Event in October, where opportunities to learn about apprenticeships, working, gap years and post 18 education is provided. During the summer term, the Year 12 tutor team deliver sessions regarding future pathways, including a Higher Education information evening.

Year 13 students are guided by the Year 13 tutor team and the Careers and WRL department with decisions about University, Apprenticeships, gap years and work.

The staff in the Careers department guide students to find the information to make appropriate and independent choices. We encourage parents/carers to work alongside the department.

To this end there are links to websites, which can provide information and guidance.

UCAS 16-19 choices guidance

Kudos (diagnostic program)


Careers videos

Careers in the Theatre Industry

National Careers Advice Website

Careers in the NHS

Careers and General information for students in Cambridgeshire


Year 7: topics include using computers safely and efficiently, spreadsheet modelling, control systems with Flowol, first steps in Small Basic, sound editing with Audacity and games programming in Scratch.

Year 8: topics include computer crime and cyber security, understanding computers, introduction to Python, database development, Python – next steps and HTML and website development.

Year 9: topics include programming using App Inventor, ICT in business and how computers work.

Key Stage 4: all students study for the Cambridge Nationals Short Course Award in ICT which is equivalent to half a GCSE. Details are available here - students study units R001 and R002. In addition, students can opt to study the following courses:

Post 16: we offer the following courses:

You can follow the Computing department on Twitter @StIvoComputing


Year 7: students study one topic per term, in the following order – Street Dance, James Bond, Cartoon Capers.

Year 8: students study one topic per term, in the following order – Parkour, Contemporary, Bollywood.

Year 9: students study one topic per term, in the following order – Martial Arts, Kandinsky, Contact

Key Stage 4: we offer BTEC Level 2 First Award, Performing Arts: Dance. Full details are available here. Students study unit 1 (Individual Showcase), unit 2 (Performance, Preparation and Production) and unit 4 (Dance Skills).

Post 16: from September 2016, we are offering the BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Performing Arts: Dance in Year 12 and the National Extended Certificate in Year 13. Details are available here. In Year 12 students study unit 1 (Investigating Practitioners' Work) and unit 2 (Developing Skills and Techniques for Live Performance). In Year 13 they study unit 3 (Group Performance Workshop) and then an optional unit selected from the following - unit 8 (Classical Ballet Technique), unit 9 (Tap Dance Technique), unit 10 (Jazz Dance Technique), unit 11 (Street Dance Technique) or unit 12 (Contemporary Dance Technique).

Current Year 13 students are studying for the BTEC Level 3 BTEC National Certificate/Subsidiary Diploma, Performing Arts: Dance. Full details can be found here. Students have studied unit 38 (Dance Performance), unit 39 (Choreographic Principles) and unit 45 (Developing Contemporary Dance Technique) in Year 12 for the National Certificate. They are now studying unit 7 (Performing to an Audience), unit 40 (Choreographing Dance) and unit 47 (Jazz Dance) in Year 13 for the Subsidiary Diploma.

Further information: students have a wide variety of extra-curricular clubs to participate in. Dance clubs can be found on the clubs page.

The Dance Department offers two performance opportunities per year including “Ivolution” held every November at the Burgess Hall and the “Easter Showcase” held in April in the school hall. We also run charity events and perform in regional dance platforms such as U.Dance. We are proud to have students go on to study dance at the Centre of Advanced Training (DanceEast), Stage Works and Body Work Dance Studios.

You can follow the Dance department on Instagram @StIvoDance (protected accounts).

Design and Technology

Years 7, 8 and 9: students cover the four specialisms of food, resistant materials, electronics and graphics. Each area will be in blocks of thirteen weeks with two lessons per week. Students complete each of these twice in rotation, so that by the time they make their option choices in year 9 they will have completed twenty six weeks in each specialism. Rotation 1 projects are: Food entitlement phase 1, Resistant Materials pewter casting and veneer projects, Electronics robug and structures team projects, Graphics packaging IT and point of sale projects. Rotation 2 projects are: Food entitlement phase 2, Resistant Materials storage box and tea light projects, Electronics audio amp and mood light projects, Graphics modelling and pop-up book projects.

Key Stage 4: we offer the following courses:

Post 16: we offer A Level Design and Technology Product Design with Edexcel – details available here. Students focus on Resistant Materials (8RM01, 9RM01) or Graphics Products (8GR01, 9GR01).


Year 7: students learn how to create tableaux, to use physical theatre techniques to create scenes and abstract concepts; they learn how to tell stories using vocal techniques and through creating atmosphere with sounds and lighting; they devise their own pieces of drama in response to a stimulus and are guided through all the rudiments of drama.

Year 8: students learn how to stage-fight, they are taught how to perform commedia dell’arte characters and learn about how to create a melodrama. They are taught the techniques needed to create a silent movie and they make their own movies using all the acquired techniques of the year.

Year 9: students are taught how to create a Naturalistic piece of theatre in Stanislavsky style, using scripts and through devising; they are shown how to perform exaggerated physical theatre comedy in the style of John Godber and they are taught symbolic theatre and Greek Chorus theatre using the style of Peter Brook.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, students are studying GCSE Drama with AQA - details can be found here. The current Year 11 are studying GCSE Drama with OCR – details available here.

Post 16: we offer A Level Drama and Theatre Studies with AQA – details of the course starting from September 2016 can be found here, details of the course being followed by the current Year 13 are available here.

Film & Media Studies

Key Stage 4: we offer GCSE Film Studies with WJEC – details available here, and GCSE Media Studies with WJEC – details can be found here. Students who choose Film/Media normally study both subjects within a single option block.

Post 16: we offer A Level Film Studies with WJEC – details available here, and A Level Media Studies with WJEC – details can be found here.

You can follow the Film & Media Studies department on Twitter @StIvoFMS (protected account)


Years 7, 8 and 9: food is taught in rotation with other Design and Technology subjects – see details above. Module 1 topics include: hygiene and safety in practical lessons; knife skills; safe use of the cooker; equipment; safe storage of food and healthy eating. Dishes range from beany enchiladas, stir fry, chicken goujons, salads, scone based pizzas to fruity flapjacks. Module 2 topics include: revision of hygiene, safety and healthy eating; modifying recipes to fit in with healthy eating; shopping techniques; advertising; food labelling; food commodities; vegetarianism; and being able to evaluate the quality of dishes. Dishes include Thai curry; savoury rice; fajitas; spaghetti Bolognese; potato dauphinoise; marble tray bake and Anzac biscuits. We also make bread. Module 3 is studied by some students in Year 9.

Key Stage 4: we offer the following courses:

Post 16: we offer the following courses:


Year 7: students study a number of topics - What is Geography?; Geography in the news; Geography skills and settlement; Weather and Climate; Natural Hazards; Japan; Fantastic Places. More details including Schemes of Work and details on assessments can be found here.

Year 8: students study a number of topics - Rivers; Flooding; Population; Globalisation and fair-trade; Africa; environmental issues. More details including Schemes of Work and details on assessments can be found here.

Year 9: students study a number of topics - Volcanoes; Biomes; Factors affecting climate; Rainforests; Deserts; Coasts; Crime. More details including Schemes of Work and details on assessments can be found here.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, students will follow GCSE Geography with AQA - details can be found here. The Year 10 page of the Geography Department website gives further details of option units, fieldwork etc. Current Year 11 students are studying GCSE Geography with Edexcel – details are available here. Fieldwork is undertaken in St Ives for Unit 4. Those students studying BTEC Level 1 Travel and Tourism complete units 5, 11, 13, 14 and 16 – details are available here.

Post 16: we offer the following courses:

The Geography Department have a number of online resources to support students:
St Ivo Geography Department Website –
St Ivo Geography GCSE Blog (Supporting the Edexcel A course)
You can also follow the Geography Department on Twitter @StIvoGeography and on Facebook here.
GCSE and A Level courses all have dedicated supporting online courses on Schoology written and continuously updated by the department – students should see their teachers for the relevant access code for their course once they have signed up.


Year 7: students study a number of topics in the following order - Anglo-Saxon Britain pre-1066, medieval history 1066-1485, the Renaissance period, Crown Parliament & Beliefs 1485-1625.

Year 8: students study a number of topics in the following order - the English Civil War, the American War of Independence, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.

Year 9: students study a number of topics in the following order - World War I, 1920s America, the rise of the Nazis by 1933, Nazi Germany 1933-45 and World War II.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, students will follow GCSE History with Edexcel - details can be found here. Students study option B4 (Early Elizabethan England 1558 - 88), option 26/7 (Superpower relations and the Cold War 1941 - 91), option 33 (The USA 1954 - 1975 Conflict at Home and Abroad) and option 11 (Medicine in Britain, 1250 - present with a depth study, The British Sector 1914-18 Treatments and Injuries). Current Year 11 students are studying GCSE History with Edexcel – details available here. Students study units 1, 2B, 3B and Vietnam 1950-75 for unit 4.

Post 16: we offer A Level History with OCR – details available here. In Year 12 students study units Y140 and Y253, followed by units Y110, Y223, Y316 and Y100 in Year 13.

You can follow the History department on Twitter @StIvoHistory

History revision podcasts can be accessed by logging on to Foldr then going to Projects > History > Podcasts. Enter your network username and password when prompted. Any issues email Dr Craig or Mr Ward.


Years 7, 8 and 9: French and German are taught from Year 7, half the cohort starting on one language and half on the other. The second foreign language is introduced in Year 8 and taken by the more able in each language. Students are taught in mixed ability form groups during Year 7, after which a setting policy is applied from Year 8 onwards. At this level the main focus is on giving all students a good foundation in basic vocabulary areas. Grammar is practiced through practical examples using the vocabulary of the current topic. By the end of year 9, students will be familiar with examples of the past, present and future tenses. Students may also choose to study Latin after school. Classes are available in Entry Level Latin and Level 1 Latin.

Key Stage 4: we offer the following courses:

Post 16: we offer the following courses:

You can follow the Languages department on Twitter @StIvoLanguages


Post 16: we offer A Level Law with AQA – details available here.


Year 7: through performance, composition and analysis, students study the following topics - Song Writing, Javanese Gamelan, Programme Music, Jazz and Improvisation.

Year 8: through performance, composition and analysis, students study the following topics – Battle of the Bands, Twelve Bar Blues, Film Music and Samba.

Year 9: through performance, composition and analysis, students study the following topics – West African Drumming, Pop Songs, GCSE Style Project and 20th Century Music.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, we offer GCSE Music with OCR - details can be found here. Current Year 11 students are studying GCSE Music with Edexcel – details available here.

Post 16: from September 2016, we offer AS/A Level Music with Edexcel - details available here. The current Year 13 are studying the older specification of A Level Music with Edexcel – details can be found here.


Year 7: all students participate in gymnastics, indoor athletics, short tennis, athletics and rounders. During games lessons, boys participate in rugby, football, swimming, tennis and basketball, whilst girls participate in netball, swimming, hockey and tennis.

Year 8: all students participate in badminton, outdoor and adventurous activities, gymnastics, cricket and rounders. During games lessons, boys participate in rugby, football, swimming, tennis and athletics, whilst girls participate in hockey, swimming, netball, athletics and tennis.

Year 9: boys participate in rugby, football and swimming, whilst girls participate in hockey, netball, football and cheerleading or rugby. During the summer term, students can select from a variety of options.

Key Stage 4: we offer GCSE PE and Cambridge Nationals Sport.

Post 16: we offer the following courses:

Further information: the PE department offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, see the clubs timetable for details of clubs which are running this term. Sports teams participate in the wide variety of fixtures, see the sports fixtures page for details of our sporting successes and a list of upcoming fixtures.

You can follow the PE department on Twitter @StIvoPE or Instagram @StIvoPE (protected accounts).

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Year 7: students have a weekly PSHE lessons, delivered by the form tutor, Head of Year or PSHE specialist, covering the statutory areas of citizenship and RE, as well as all aspects of emotional, social, health and economic well-being. Students learn about how to stay healthy and safe, both physically and emotionally. Units of work include diet and exercise, first aid, minimising risk, positive relationships, puberty, tackling discrimination and facts about alcohol, smoking and drugs. Students also follow Citizenship modules, including law, government and politics, moral dilemmas and global issues.

Years 8, 9 & 10: students have one annual Learning4Life day. Lessons are suspended on these days and are replaced with active, engaging workshops around a theme. These days can include visits from professional theatre companies, local charities and media personalities, and cover issues such as positive body image, emotional well-being and mental illness, immigration, healthy relationships, making safe choices, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, what it means to be a man/woman in the 21st century, mindfulness and other stress-busting techniques, LGBTQ, tolerance and respect for the diverse values and choices of people in our society and making a positive contribution locally and globally.

Year 11: students receive fortnightly Learning4Life seminars. Our programme is tailor-made for our older students, and includes sessions on career choices, independent learning, responsible drinking, all aspects of SRE (sex and relationships education), dealing with stress, racism and positive self image. Sessions are all led by experts in their field, including a large number of ex-St Ivo students who wish to come back and contribute.


Post 16: from September 2016, we offer A Level Governmanent and Politics with Edexcel - details can be found here. Current Year 13 students are studying A Level Government and Politics with OCR – details available here.

You can follow the Politics department on Twitter @StIvoPolitics


Post 16: we offer A Level Psychology with AQA – details available here.

You can follow the Psychology department on Twitter @StIvoPsychology (protected account)

Public Services

Post 16: we offer BTEC Public Services – details available here. This is a one year course (Year 12 only), and is offered as both a single and double award, for people interested in working in the armed or uniformed public services.

Religion, Philosophy & Ethics

Year 7: topics studied are what is belief?; what is it like to grow up in a faith community and what challenges do people face?; how do people express their beliefs and should they be free to do so?

Year 8: topics studied are how can beliefs be applied to the concepts of human rights, justice, equality and peace?; what are the key teachings of religion?; is religion still relevant in the 21st century?

Year 9: students spend the year studying a variety of ethical issues in preparation for the GCSE course. These topics take in events that are happening in the news and might include medical ethics, human rights, refugees, racism, war and peace, genocide, poverty, torture, religion and science/politics, prejudice and discrimination, animal rights and capital punishment.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, we offer GCSE Religious Studies with Eduqas - details can be found here. Current Year 11 students are studying GCSE Religious Studies with WJEC – details can be found here

Post 16: from September 2016, students are studying A Level Religious Studies with Eduqas - details available here. Current Year 13 students are studying A Level Religious Studies with OCR – details can be found here.

You can follow the RE department on Twitter @StIvoRE is a protected account for exam classes, @StIvoREKS3 is a protected account for Key Stage 3.


Year 7: students look at aspects of biology, chemistry and physics. They will carry out investigations to understand how chemicals react, look at what else is in our solar system and learn about how their body works to keep them alive. Topics: Working Scientifically, Forces, Cells, Particles, Organ Systems, Elements and Compounds, Chemical, Reactions, Sound, Acids and Bases, Solar System, Reproduction.

Year 8: this year builds upon the previous knowledge and understanding acquired in year 7 through studying microbes and diseases, electricity and patterns in reactivity. Topics: Health and Lifestyle, Separation Techniques, Electricity and Magnets, Light Adaptation, Inheritance, Periodic Table, Metals and Acids, Motion and Pressure, Energy, The Earth, Ecosystem, Processes, Microbes and Disease.

Year 9: students will complete their preparation for the GCSE course by Christmas and begin GCSE work in January (see below for exam board information). Through starting the GCSE content earlier we will be able to take time to allow a fuller understanding of the concepts science is made up of. It will allow time for in depth investigations and a chance for students to stretch themselves with more challenging scientific ideas. Topics Autumn term: Developing Practical Skills, Science in Maths and the Earth and it's Evolution. GCSE Topics: Cells, States of Matter, Motion.

Key Stage 4: from September 2016, students will be following the new 9-1 Combined Science GCSE with Edexcel, with a small group of students following the new 9-1 Separate Sciences programme with Edexcel. Details of all new GCSE courses can be found here. Current Year 11 students study either Triple, Double or Single sciences with Edexcel. Details of single and double science courses are available here. Triple science course details can be found here.

Post 16: we offer A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics with AQA – details available here.

Further information: we have a large, active STEM programme and students across all year groups can get opportunities for a whole range of different experiences.

Help with GCSE revision can be found on Schoology. Sign up to Schoology as with any normal website. The course code is 3B48B-873RQ. This website is full of helpful revision resources to help students across all Science courses.

You can follow the Science Department on Facebook and Twitter @StIvoScience