St Ivo School
Curriculum Changes

Year 10 (2015-16)

What are the changes to English & Maths?

As you may know, the way that subjects are examined and the final grades given at the end of Year 11 are going through a series of changes. This will happen over three or four years; the current Year 10 is the first to be affected at Key Stage 4 as you will complete your full course in Summer 2017.

For English, the 40% coursework will no longer exist, making the final examinations worth 100%. Students will get a separate certificate for your speaking and listening assessment. The grade will no longer be a letter; instead it will be a number from 1-9, with 9 being the highest.

Mathematics has been 100% examination for some time now, and this will continue. The grade will no longer be a letter; instead it will be a number from 1-9, with 9 being the highest.

How will the assessment for vocational subjects change?

Foundation Pathway Level 1 courses will continue to be assessed by portfolio only, but all others will have a final examination similar to the GCSEs. The percentage of marks for this exam will vary according to the subject, speak to subject staff for more information.

What about assessment in other subjects?

For all other subjects grades will be awarded on a combination of controlled assessments and final written/practical examinations. However, the government is planning major changes from September 2016 which will affect current Year 9 students. Details for other subjects will be released as they become available.

Year 10 & 11 (2015-16)

What are the new Progress 8 and Attainment 8 measures?

Progress 8 measure: from the 2016 summer exams onwards, Progress 8 will be used for the performance tables of schools. Progress 8 is designed to encourage schools to offer a broad and balanced curriculum at KS4. The new measure will be based on students’ progress at secondary school measured across 8 subjects:

  • English, Mathematics
  • 3 other English Baccalaureate (Ebacc) subjects (sciences, computer science, geography, history, languages).
  • 3 further subjects, which can be from the range of Ebacc subjects, or can be any other Government approved arts, academic or vocational qualification.

The Attainment 8 measure shows students' average achievement in the same suite of subjects as the Progress 8 measure.

Although most students will study for Progress 8 and Attainment 8, the school recognise that there are a number of students for whom a slightly different curriculum is more appropriate.

Sixth Form courses – the current state of play

Why is the government making changes to A levels?

  • Concern over too many opportunities for re-sits – although January re-sits have gone, there is still concern that students can re-sit Year 12 and secure those marks before moving on to Year 13.
  • Concern over the rigour of coursework - generally, marks are higher in coursework, resulting in grade inflation. No coursework is seen as a better measure of a student’s ability.
  • Universities require “more depth of knowledge and understanding” and higher skill base. Specifications should therefore move away from modules of work to a more open scheme of work. Assessment should be at the end of the course.

What is the timeline for subjects offered at St Ivo?

Started teaching from 2015 Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computing, Economics, English Literature, History, Physics, Psychology
Start teaching from 2016 French, Dance, Design & Technology subjects, German, Geography, Maths, Further Maths, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies (this is new; we do currently Philosophy & Theology)
Start teaching from 2017 All other subjects.

Has the government review been completed?

Yes, and now Awarding Bodies are working on the new specifications. Whilst specifications for the first tranche (Sept 2015) are in place, those for the second tranche are still seeking approval. We are awaiting these new specifications for first teaching in September 2016.

What will be the content and style of the assessment be like?

  • The AS will be more content-heavy, and overall the A level will be more “robust”
  • Emphasis will be on the terminal assessment.
  • Most subjects will have no coursework component
  • Subjects such as the sciences will have a formal single sitting practical examination
  • Subjects such as Theatre Studies, Art and Design Technology will continue to have practical and portfolio requirements

Will there still be AS exams?

These will still exist nationally, but if students sit these, the marks will not count towards the final A2 exam mark. Here at St Ivo current Year 12 students will be able to sit AS Levels in all subjects (old and new specifications). Discussions are ongoing for the current Year 11, as specifications have not yet been published..

So, will students still have to choose 3 or 4 A levels?

Working on current information, most students will still be advised to choose 4 subjects appropriate to their Year 11 progress; other students should choose 3. Any change in Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) here at school will be discussed with students and communicated with parents/carers as well.

How will this Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) work?

This will be though 3 strands and co-ordinated by the Head of Year:

  • Whole school in terms of interpreting the new changes and the implications for higher education and employment
  • Subject areas in terms of suitability of subjects for each student
  • The tutor team in terms of overall student achievement, aspirations and progression routes

How will parents/carers be kept informed?

This will be done via St Ivo ParentMail, and this page of the school website will also be updated.