Tuesday 15th March: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls hockey, boys football)
Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Friday 27th May: non uniform day.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Thursday 9th June: date change for interform periods 1 - 3 (girls swimming, boys swimming); parents'/carers' evening.
Wednesday 15th June: Summer Concert in the evening (school hall).
Monday 27th June: Eco Day.
Monday 4th & Tuesday 5th July: English and Maths exams.
Monday 4th - Friday 8th July: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Tuesday 12th July: interform athletics all day.
Friday 15th July: non uniform day.
Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.
Wednesday 16th March: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls swimming, boys football).
Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief; interform periods 1 - 3 (girls netball, boys swimming).
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Monday 11th - Friday 15th April: reports will be made available on Go4schools during this week.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Thursday 14th April: parents'/carers' evening.
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 25th April: girls vaccinations.
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Friday 27th May: non uniform day.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Wednesday 8th June: History visit.
Wednesday 15th June: Summer Concert in the evening (school hall).
Friday 17th - Saturday 25th June: Switzerland visit (departs evening of 17th, students in school as normal).
Monday 4th - Friday 8th July: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Wednesday 6th & Thursday 7th July: English and Maths exams.
Wednesday 13th July: interform athletics all day.
Thursday 14th July: enterprise day.
Friday 15th July: non uniform day.
Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.
Monday 14th March: interform periods 1 - 3 (girls hockey, boys football).
Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 25th April: girls vaccinations.
Tuesday 26th - Thursday 28th April: CATs tests.
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Friday 27th May: non uniform day.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th June: Geography visits.
Wednesday 15th June: Summer Concert in the evening (school hall).
Thursday 30th June & Friday 1st July: English and Maths exams.
Monday 4th - Friday 8th July: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Monday 11th July: interform athletics all day.
Friday 15th July: non uniform day.
Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.
Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.
Friday 18th - Thursday 24th March: exam week.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 13th April: GCSE German masterclass.
Thursday 14th & Friday 15th April: GCSE German oral exams.
Friday 15th April: Music exams.
Monday 18th April: vaccinations.
Monday 18th - Friday 22nd April: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th May: GCSE Catering practical exams.
Friday 27th May: non uniform day.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Monday 27th June - Friday 1st July: reports will be made available on Go4schools during this week.
Friday 1st July: dress to impress day.
Monday 4th - Friday 15th July: Work Experience.
Monday 18th July: Work Experience feedback and careers day.
Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.
Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.
Monday 21st - Friday 25th March: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Friday 29th April - Friday 6th May: GCSE Drama practical exams.
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Monday 16th May: GCSE written exams begin.
Friday 20th May: final assembly.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Thursday 7th July: Prom.
Thursday 25th August: GCSE results day.
Monday 21st - Thursday 24th March: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Tuesday 3rd May: start of AS & A2 French and German oral exams.
Monday 16th May - Thursday 9th June: Year 12 study leave for AS exams.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Wednesday 22nd June: UCAS fair.
Thursday 23rd June: Higher Education information evening for parents/carers.
Friday 24th June: university open day visit.
Friday 8th July: Sixth Form Leavers' Ball.
Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.
Thursday 18th August: AS & A2 results day.
Thursday 17th March: A Level Music exams.
Monday 21st - Thursday 24th March: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.
Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.
Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).
Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).
Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.
Tuesday 3rd May: start of AS & A2 French and German oral exams.
Wednesday 25th May: Sixth Form picnic and rounders period 5.
Friday 27th May: final assembly period 3 & 4.
Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.
Friday 8th July: Sixth Form Leavers' Ball.
Thursday 18th August: AS & A2 results day.