Overview of exam results
GCSE Results 2016
Provisional results for GCSEs:
A*-C grades in English and Maths: 69.3%
5+ A*-C grades including English and Maths: 67.8%
22.1% achieved the English Baccalaureate
Students achieving expected progress in English: 82.9%
Students achieving expected progress in Maths: 72.3%
A massive WELL DONE to St Ivo students who have received their GCSE results today!
The school is delighted with this set of results which shows another year of improved performance at the school. Congratulations go to all of our students for their excellent performances and for all of their hard work in gaining these results.
There were many outstanding performances including 3 students who gained 9 A* grades: Minhaj (who also got an A* with distinction in Maths), Megan and Milly.
Thanks go to all the staff for their efforts and to our parents for their support.
You can view the results here.
The latest official DfE performance tables for the school's GCSE results can be found here.
A Level Results 2016
Provisional results for A levels 2016:
A*-B: 41%
A*-C: 75%
A*-E: 98%
We are delighted with the results from our Sixth Formers this year. As well as many strong individual performances these figures show the majority of students meeting challenging targets. We would like to congratulate all of our students on their results and wish them well in their next move. Thanks also go to the staff and parents who have supported our students through their time at the school.