Design & Technology
Head of Department:
Mr A Gower
Mrs C Atkinson, Miss K Burden, Mr M McGarry, Mr T McLeod, Mrs L Riggi

Key Stage 3

What can your son/daughter expect in years 7, 8 and 9 at St Ivo?

They will be taught and encouraged to :

  • Think creatively in producing designs for their projects
  • Use tools and equipment safely and with increasing confidence
  • Have pride in their own work and respect other students efforts and outcomes
  • Meet deadlines for designing, making and homework tasks
  • Problem solve individually and as part of a team
  • Consider environmental and sustainability issues
  • Be analytical of their outcomes and consider ways to improve.

Your son/daughter will cover the 4 areas of food, resistant materials, electronics and graphics. Each area will be in blocks of 13 weeks with 2 lessons per week.

They will cover each area twice in rotation and by the time they make option choices in year 9 they will have completed 26 weeks of each. This will then allow them to make a decision about any areas of D&T they wish to continue with into key stage 4 GCSE. At Key Stage 4 we offer Resistant Materials, Graphics and Electronics.

Design and Technology projects at Key Stage 3.

Phase 1 Projects
Food Food : phase 1
Resistant Materials Pewter Casting project
Veneer Strip Jewellery project
Structure team project
Electronics Robug project
Structure team project
Graphics Packaging ICT project
Point of Sale project

Phase 2 Projects
Food Food : phase 2
Resistant Materials Wooden Box project
Team light
Electronics Audio amp
Mood light
Graphics Pop-up book project
Modelling project

Example of a Key Stage 3 rotation

Where would you be without Design and Technology?

Key Stage 4

Resistent materials - AQA Long course - Specification

Electronic Products - AQA long course - Specifications

Graphic Products - AQA long course - Specifications

Post 16

Edexcel Product design:
Graphics products 6GR01 to 6GR04 - Specifications
Resistent material technology 6RMM01 to 6RMM04 - Specifications