Key Stage 3
Cambridge Nationals Short Course Award in ICT which is equivalent to ½ GCSE grade A* to C. Specification.
Students study Unit ROO1 – Understanding Computer Systems and Unit ROO2 – Using ICT to create business solutions.
Cambridge Nationals Diploma in ICT which will be combined with the core ICT and be equivalent to 2 GCSE’s grade A* to C. Specification.
Over the two years students will study the following six units, all weighted equally to their final grade. Unit ROO3 – Handling Data Using Spreadsheets, Unit ROO4 – Handling Data Using Databases, Unit ROO5 – Creating an Interactive Product Using Multimedia Components, Unit ROO6 – Creating Digital Images, Unit ROO7 – Creating Dynamic Products Using Sound and Vision and Unit RO11 – Understanding Technology - a project approach.
We will cover three modules over the two years:
Edexcel course specification
This is a two year course (broadly equivalent to 1 A Level). The Subsidiary Diploma consists of 2 mandatory Units and 4 optional Units. Assessment is 100% coursework.
Mandatory Units:
Optional Units
OCR course specification
AS – 2 mandatory units:
Information, Systems and Applications
Structured ICT Tasks
A2 – 2 mandatory units:
ICT Systems, Applications and Implications
ICT Project
OCR course specification
AS - 2 mandatory units:
Unit 01: Computing Principles
Unit 02: Algorithms and Problem Solving
There will be a short scenario/task contained in the paper, which could be an algorithm or a text page-based task, which will involve problem solving. Other areas covered include the following:
A2 - 3 mandatory units:
Unit 01: Computer Systems
Unit 02: Algorithms and Programming
Section A - traditional questions concerning computational thinking:
Section B - there will be a scenario/task contained in the paper, which could be an algorithm or a text page-based task, which will involve problem solving.
Unit 03: Programming Project
Students and/or centres select their own user-driven problem of an appropriate size and complexity to solve. This will enable them to demonstrate the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the Assessment Objectives. Students will need to analyse the problem, design a solution and give a thorough evaluation.