Head of Department:
Miss A Crellin

Personal, Social and Health Education is an integral part of the philosophy and ethos of our school. In the PSHE department we are committed to developing students’ knowledge, values, personal and social skills, as well as ensuring their emotional, physical and economic well-being, through high quality, challenging and engaging learning opportunities.

In Year 7 students have a weekly PSHE lessons, delivered by the form tutor, Head of Year or PSHE specialist, covering the statutory areas of citizenship and RE, as well as all aspects of emotional, social, health and economic well-being. Students learn about how to stay healthy and safe, both physically and emotionally. Units of work include:

  • Diet and exercise
  • First aid
  • Minimising risk
  • Positive relationships
  • Puberty.
  • Tackling discrimination
  • The facts about alcohol, smoking and drugs

Students also follow Citizenship modules. These units include:

  • The law
  • Government and politics
  • Moral dilemmas
  • Global issues

In years 8, 9 and 10 students have one annual Learning4Life day. Lessons are suspended on these days and are replaced with active, engaging workshops around a theme.
In 2014-15 these days included visits from professional theatre companies, local charities and media personalities, and covered issues such as:

  • Positive body image
  • Emotional well-being and mental illness
  • Immigration
  • Healthy relationships
  • Making safe choices
  • Drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
  • What it means to be a man/woman in the 21st Century.
  • Mindfulness and other stress-busting techniques
  • Tolerance and respect for the diverse values and choices of people in our society
  • Making a positive contribution locally and globally

In Year 11 students receive fortnightly Learning4Life seminars. Our programme is tailor-made for our older students, and this year includes sessions on:

  • Career choices
  • Independent learning
  • Responsible drinking
  • All aspects of SRE (sex and relationships education)
  • Dealing with stress
  • Racism
  • Positive self image

Sessions are all led by experts in their field, including a large number of ex-St Ivo students who wish to come back and contribute.

A typical PSHE lesson will:

  • Start by finding out what students already know, understand, are able to do and say.
  • Offer a variety of teaching and learning styles, with an emphasis on interactive learning.
  • Whenever possible, will be enhanced by the input of experts in relevant fields from the wider community.
  • Provide opportunities for students to make real decisions about their lives, to take part in activities which simulate adult choices and where they can demonstrate their ability to take responsibility for their decisions.
  • Take a positive approach which does not attempt to moralise, or to induce shock or guilt, but focuses on what young people can do to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
  • Provide information which is accurate, realistic and relevant.
  • Maintain a safe and supportive learning environment where children can develop the confidence to ask questions, challenge the information they are offered, contribute their own experience, views and opinions and put what they have learned into practice in their own lives.