Head of Department:
Mr E Slingsby
Miss V Allin, Dr K Angus, Ms K Buchanan, Mrs A Fisher, Mrs L Francis, Miss M Girardi, Miss C Marshall, Dr A Meadows, Mrs E Menzies, Ms I Morrison, Miss K Prunty, Miss M Reali, Miss M Smart, Dr D Squires, Mr D Wilson

Welcome to St Ivo Science Department

As Einstien said ‘I have no special talents, am only passionately curious’. We believe all students can have success in science if they develop a passion and work hard. We aim to deliver an exciting curriculum and provide extracurricular opportunities to develop their interests and stretch them to think about life beyond the school day.

We have just completed revamping our schemes of learning in year 7 and 8 and believe they will equip students even better for further study and generate a passion for science that will stay with them throughout school. In KS4 we aim to deliver engaging and challenging lessons that allow students to fulfil their potential.

We hope to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers who will go on to great things but most of all we hope all students leave with a lifelong curiosity for science.

Ed Slingsby
Head of Science

The science team: Mr Slingsby (Head of Science), Dr Squires, Miss Reali, Miss Girardi, Miss Allin, Miss Smart, Mr Wilson, Dr Meadows, Miss Prunty, Mrs Francis, Mrs Menzies, Miss Marshall, Dr Angus, Miss Green, Mr Campbell, Mrs Brown, Mrs Rinaldi, Mrs Humes

Key Stage 3 and GCSE

In year 7, students look at aspects of biology, chemistry and physics. They will carry out investigations to understand how chemicals react, look at what else is in our solar system and learn about how their body works to keep them alive. This is built upon in year 8 through studying microbes and diseases, electricity and patterns in reactivity. A ful list of topics studied can be found here.

In year 9, students will complete their preparation for the GCSE course by Christmas and begin GCSE work in January. Through starting the GCSE content earlier we will be able to take time to allow a fuller understanding of the concepts science is made up of. It will allow time for in depth investigations and a chance for students to stretch themselves with more challenging scientific ideas.

In years 10 and 11 students will continue with GCSE science on one of our three pathways currently available: triple, double and single science. More details including a list of topics studied can be accessed here.

GCSE specification links:

Core Science:

Additional Science:

Biology (separate):

Chemistry (separate science):

Physics (separate science):

Post 16

The Science department offers a number of Level 3 courses in the Sixth Form:

A Level Biology - exam board information and further details

A Level Chemistry - exam board information and further details

A Level Physics - exam board information and further details

A Level Applied Science - exam board information

Online support for Science courses

Extra curricular opportunities and educational visits