

Latest news

Dates of Governor meetings

Meeting dates for the 2016-17 school year can now be accessed here.

The Governors' Annual Meeting for Parents/Carers

Thank you to everyone who attended this event on 11th January. A copy of the presentation can be accessed here.

Governance Improvement Plan

Following the National Governors' Association Review, our Governance Improvement Plan has now been published and can be accessed here.

An overview of governance at St Ivo School

Purpose and objectives

The Governing Body has a number of responsibilities, which are summarised below. The Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the school’s senior leadership team, however governors are not involved in the day-to-day operational management of the school.


The Governing Body consists of 20 posts:

All Governors are subject to re-election every four years (with the exception of the Headteacher). Governors receive training as required, principally through Cambridgeshire Governor Services.

Committee structure

Much of the work of the Governing Body is done at committee level. We have five committees:

Committee chairs, as well are the Chair and Vice Chair of the Governing Body, are re-elected every year. These governors form the Strategy Group, which meets as required but does not have any ongoing delegated authority. All committees report to the Full Governing Body.

Who we are

John Andrews (Staff Governor)
Governor since 2006, term of office expires 2018
I have been a staff governor for nine years. At the time I became one there was a severe shortage of volunteers and I have tried to use my tenure to let staff see the job that governors do for the school to encourage others to put themselves forward. I am Head of English and from time to time when governors are scrutinising performance I have had to juggle dual roles but I have always tried to be scrupulous about keeping a clear divide between my staff role and my governor role.

Judith Barnes (Community Governor)
Governor since 2008, term of office expires 2020
After 37 years in teaching, including 20 years as Head of History at St Ivo, I retired in 2007, but was delighted to be asked to stand as a Community Governor in 2008. I sit on Curriculum and Personnel Committees. I am passionate about St Ivo School – the students and staff – and want to contribute to the future success of what I’m certain can becoming an outstanding school.
My other interests include golf, travel and rock choir!

Dan Coulson (Staff Governor)
Governor since 2016, term of office expires 2020

Carol Darnell (Community Governor)
Governor since 2015, term of office expires 2019
I have been a Governor for a number of years in the St Ives community – both at Primary (where I was Chair) and Secondary levels. I am currently an active member of the Personnel and Student Welfare Committees.
My professional background is in Management Development/Training which I started doing when working for one of the “big 4” professional services firms. Since becoming freelance in 2003, I have worked with all sorts of organisations (private and public sector, large and small). I support them with their HR activities and deliver training courses to their staff, as well as coaching individuals and teams.
We have lived in St Ives since 2002, having been previously in East London and Essex. The whole family is heavily involved in Athletics (all year round!) although I tend to officiate now, rather than compete.
I’m pleased to be able to bring this diverse professional experience and personal interest to the Governing Board of the School.

Charles Glanville (Chair of Governors, Parent Governor)
Governor since 2013, term of office expires 2017
I have been a parent governor since December 2013 and was elected as Chair of Governors in January 2015. I have lived in St Ives for over 11 years and currently have a son in year 11. I am a member of the Student Welfare and Community Committee and the Finance Committee.
I have a background of working in a university, the NHS and the medical device industry with a focus in cardiac surgery and transplantation. Having left the company I started in St Ives, I currently work as a consultant to a number of companies throughout the UK, USA and Asia.
I became a governor in order to use my time and experience to support the school, its staff and students, to continuously improve and get to outstanding.

Claire Lynn (Parent Governor, Chair of Student Welfare and Community Committee)
Governor since 2013, term of office expires 2017
I grew up and went to school in Peterborough. After studying at the London College of Printing, I started my working life as a journalist in London before embarking on a career in media relations. I have worked for a number of high-profile organisations including the Serious Fraud Office, Ernst & Young and IPC Magazines. I now work on a freelance basis for a Cambridgeshire-based PR agency as well as running an after-school book club at a local primary school. I sit on the Curriculum Committee and since late 2014 have chaired the Student Welfare and Community committee.

Sam Griffin (Headteacher)
I became Headteacher of St Ivo School in September 2015. Prior to this I was Headteacher of Hobart High School in Norfolk and have been on school leadership teams since 2005. I am originally from London. I studied English and History at the University of Salford and also hold a post-graduate diploma in Drama.
I sit formally on the Finance and Strategy committees but, as you would expect, have a heavy involvement in all aspects of the work of the governing body.

Mark Newstead (Community Governor)
Governor since 2016, term of office expires 2020

Martin McMahon (Parent Governor)
Governor since 2015, term of office expires 2019
I attended Wheatfields Junior School, followed by St Ivo and left in 1985 after only 5th form to join the forces via the Army 6th Form, Welbeck College. I then went on to obtained a degree in Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Liverpool. This was then followed by a Ph.D in Laser Materials Processing, post-doctoral research in Italy, and a succession of managerial positions within various high tech production companies. Currently, I work within business development in the new and exciting 3D printing and additive manufacturing sector.
I am parent to two children already at St Ivo, and a third will join the school in September 2015. Prior to becoming a governor, my only other involvement in education has been as a member of the Pavilion Playgroup committee, at the time when it was necessary to plan for and manage the complete replacement of the building and facilities. I will be joining the Curriculum and Premises Committees.

Frank Newton (Authority Governor, Chair of Personnel Committee)
Governor since 2001, term of office expires 2017
Originally from Yorkshire but I have lived in St Ives for nearly 50 years and my three daughters all attended St Ivo School.
I am a retired Local Government officer with 40 years experience in senior and chief officer positions within finance departments.
Currently chair of the school’s Personnel Committee and I am also a member of the Finance Committee.
I am also Chair of Governors for Thorndown Primary School and when required, chair the School Independent Admissions Appeal Panels on behalf of the County Council.

Richard Potter (Parent Governor)
Governor since 2015, term of office expires 2019
I have lived in St Ives since 1977. I am currently an Assistant Headteacher at Sir Harry Smith Community College, I have taught for the last 21 years in three different secondary schools and I am responsible for whole school behaviour as well as child protection. I have been through five Ofsted inspections, which resulted in very positive outcomes ranging from good to outstanding, the most recent of which was November 2014. I have experience of both pastoral and curriculum matters and I am all too aware of the current changes and implications to education. I have very fond memories of being a student at St Ivo, where the care and attention of every child was, and I believe still is, central to the success of the school.

Jon Read (Parent Governor)
Governor since 2016, term of office expires 2020

Adrian Smith (Parent Governor)
Governor since 2015, term of office expires 2019
I am a parent of two children at St Ivo School and attended the school’s Sixth Form from 1987-89 before going on to do a Business Studies degree at Oxford Brookes University. As well as the Full Governing Body, I sit on the Student Welfare and Premises Committees.
I have been in marketing and communications for more than 20 years, my most recent in-house position being Head of Communications for Anglian Water. In 2009 I left to become a communications consultant and have been extremely fortunate to work with many excellent clients across a wide range of sectors.
I live in Hemingford Abbots, where I take an active role in the community as a member of the Hemingfords’ Regatta committee, an event now in its 114th year. I also helped launch and run Pavilion Pictures in 2011, our enormously successful community cinema, but stood down recently to focus on my role as a governor.

Philip Speer (Community Governor, Vice-Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance Committee)
Governor since 1999, term of office expires 2019
A community governor since 1999, I have chaired the Finance Committee for the past 15 years, but have been a supporter of the campaign for “Fairer Funding” for Cambridgeshire schools for even longer. I am currently also a member of the Premises Committee.
In my day job I am a company law solicitor with a practice in Cambridge. Being a governor enables me to use my professional knowledge and skills on a voluntary basis for the benefit of the School, and so, I hope, put something back into our community.
I have lived in Hemingford Grey since 1988.

Jim Stavrou (Parent Governor)
Governor since 2012, term of office expires 2016
I was a pupil at St Ivo School from 1984 to 1991, studying Maths, Physics and Art at A-Level. Following my undergraduate degree in Physics at King’s College, London, I trained to be a teacher at Goldsmith’s College. I have taught in a number of schools in the last 20 years, and my current post is Deputy Principal of Swavesey Village College.
I decided to run for parent governor when my eldest child joined the school in 2012. I sit on the Curriculum Committee and the Personnel Committee.

Anthony Ward (Staff Governor)
Governor since 2011, term of office expires 2019
I am the school's ICT Manager and timetabler, and as such come in to regular contact with the vast majority of our 200+ staff. My role also gives me a detailed understanding of staffing structures. I sit on the Student Welfare and Personnel Committees, and am privileged to be able to use my detailed understanding of the school to aid decision making that improves the school through my role as a Governor.

Duncan Woodall (Community Governor)
Governor since 2002, term of office expires 2018
I am a retired teacher who was previously a senior manager at another large comprehensive school in the county. I have lived in St Ives for over thirty years and my daughter attended St Ivo and Wheatfields Primary School where I am also a governor. I work part time as an A-level examiner and maintain a keen interest in education and current affairs generally. I have a range of other interests, particularly sport; I am a Vice President of St Ives Rugby Club having played for them for a number of years and I am also a member of St Ives Golf Club.

Dates of Governors meetings for 2016-17

Premises 12th September 7th November 16th January 6th March 8th May
Finance 19th September 14th November 23rd January 13th March 15th May
Personnel 26th September 21st November 30th January 20th March 22nd May
Curriculum & Standards 3rd October 28th November 6th February 27th March 5th June
Student Welfare & Community Engagement 10th October 5th December 20th February 24th April 12th June
Full Governing Body 20th October 15th December 1st March 3rd May 21st June

Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings

1st March 2017 15th December 2016 20th October 2016
22nd June 2016 4th May 2016 2nd March 2016
9th December 2015 21st October 2015 24th June 2015
6th May 2015 4th March 2015 18th December 2014
10th December 2014 22nd October 2014 25th June 2014
7th May 2014 26th February 2014 11th December 2013
16th October 2013

Statutory documents

Annual Report & Accounts 2015-16 July 2016 Ofsted inspection report
Governors Pecuniary Interest Declaration 2015-16 December 2015 Ofsted inspection report
Annual Report & Accounts 2014-15 Governors Pecuniary Interest Declaration 2014-15
January 2015 Ofsted inspection report Annual Report & Accounts 2013-14
Value for Money Statement 2013-14 May 2014 Ofsted inspection report
Annual Report & Accounts 2012-13 Value for Money Statement 2012-13
Articles of Association