Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Statutory statement of provision for students in receipt of Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding and accountability for schools (updated 8 September 2016) and Pupil Premium 2016-2017 Conditions of Grant (last updated 26 August 2016) states the following terms and conditions. The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional government funding for publicly funded schools in England for two policies:

Government funding rates for eligible pupils. The PPG per pupil for the financial year 2016-2017 is as follows:

Disadvantaged pupils

Service children

Terms on which PPG is allocated to schools - the grant may be spent in the following ways:

Allocation and payment arrangements

How can I contact St Ivo School about Pupil Premium?

If you believe that your child is eligible for additional support as they are entitled to free school meals, you or your partner work for the armed forces, or your child is or has been in social care, and you have not yet informed the school of your circumstances, please do not hesitate to contact:

If you think you may qualify for pupil premium due to free school meal entitlement or you are an armed services family you can apply online at the web sites below:

What must a school publish on its website about pupil premium?

The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 says that, as of 1 September 2016 schools must publish certain information online relating to the pupil premium grant. The Department for Education's (DfE's) Governance Handbook explains on page 107 that the current model funding agreement requires academies to publish the same information on their websites as maintained schools. In place of the current requirements regarding information about pupil premium expenditure, schools will be required to publish their “pupil premium strategy”. This should include:

SchooIs must publish, in relation to the previous academic year:

In relation to the current academic year, schools must publish:

The required information about St Ivo School is outlined below

Section A: The previous academic year (2015-2016)

SchooIs must publish, in relation to the previous academic year:

1. Details of how St Ivo spent the Pupil Premium Funding allocation for last academic year 2015-2016

2015-2016: How Pupil Premium was spent
How PP funding was spent Approximate Cost Details and outcomes
Staffing: 7 Jump intervention £49,571 A ‘shelter group’ (similar to a Primary School experience) which received an intensive support programme in Year 7. It was for a targeted group of students identified during primary liaison work for Y6 into Y7 transition. Students received bespoke literacy and numeracy support, and pastoral care enabling them to ‘Jump’ into mainstream once achievement had been raised to expected levels during the latter part of Year 7
Staffing: Literacy and Numeracy intervention £27,521 1 to 1 and small group regular numeracy, reading & writing programmes. Students were identified through CAT scores or teacher referrals.
Staffing: Additional Y10/11 English teaching £23,335 Students were targeted to address issues with their technical accuracy, & strategies to develop their analysis, thereby improving achievement to meet or exceed Minimum Target Grades
Staffing: Additional Maths teaching £48,033 In class support and 1 to 1 specialist tuition ranged from 1 to 6 hours per student to raise achievement to meet or exceed Minimum Target Grades.
Staffing: The Bridge £28,876 A dedicated team of inclusion workers ensured inclusion, counselling, support, and alternative provision when needed by DP/PP, and raised their aspirations, confidence and self esteem.
Staffing: Pupil Premium coordinator, mentor, and administrator. £36,282 Operating the PP system to ensure 1to 1 tutor/DP interviews and consequent rapid bespoke support linked directly to needs and requests; 1 to 1 mentoring of Year 11 Pupil Premium students ensured a space to catch up in subjects and encouraged inclusion, engagement, and achievement.
Educational Visits subsidies £10,751 Ensured inclusion, self-esteem, social development, & learning outside the classroom.
Intervention and study materials £10,981 Provision of workshop speakers by ‘an external company ‘Elevate’ boosted motivation and aspiration; Intervention also removed learning barriers by providing revision resources and cooking ingredients.
Discounts & Transport £5,976 Funding of individual transport needs ensured students from outlying areas were able to attend and benefit from intervention support in English and Maths, and revision boosters, after the usual school day, thereby helping to raise achievement.
Total School spending on Disadvantaged students / Pupil Premium slightly exceeded the Pupil Premium funding allocation for 2015-2016.

2. Information on how the Pupil Premium Funding made an impact on the attainment of eligible disadvantaged pupils and other pupils.

The overview of measures, outlined above, taken by St Ivo School suggests a relentless commitment to close the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils (DP) and non-disadvantaged students. The school regards it as a strategic priority to tackle the range of factors causing underachievement for DP. In addition, it will close the gap by bringing up the base rather than lowering our expectations of our most able students.

Headline data: actual 2016 (unvalidated)

Note: in 2014 we measured data for the ‘Pupil Premium’ students and in 2015 the ‘Disadvantaged’ (pupil premium = disadvantaged + service children) following changes to national school data measures in 2014.

Year Category Whole school No Yes Gap National
2016 Disadvantaged 5+A*-C incEM 67.8% 72.9% 45.8% 27.1% Unknown
2015 Disadvantaged 5+A*-C incEM 64.0% 68.0% 38.0% 30.0% 27%
2014 Pupil Premium 5+A*-C incEM 62.2% 65.4% 50.8% 14.6% 19%
2016 Disadvantaged %A*-C Eng 82.4% 86.7% 64.6% 22.1% Unknown
2015 Disadvantaged %A*-C Eng 70.0% 74.0% 45.0% 29.0% 23%
2014 Pupil Premium %A*-C Eng 75.0% 79.7% 58.5% 21.2% 21%
2016 Disadvantaged %A*-C Ma 74.9% 79.8% 54.2% 25.6% Unknown
2015 Disadvantaged %A*-C Ma 77.0% 80.0% 62.0% 18.0% 25%
2014 Pupil Premium %A*-C Ma 72.0% 75.3% 60.0% 15.3% 21%
2016 Disadvantaged Exp progress Eng 82.9% 86.0% 70.2% 15.8% Unknown
2015 Disadvantaged Exp progress Eng 69.0% 72.0% 51.0% 21.0% 23%
2016 Disadvantaged Exp progress Ma 72.3% 76.0% 56.5% 19.5% Unknown
2015 Disadvantaged Exp progress Ma 74.0% 78.0% 53.0% 25.0% 19%

St Ivo: The achievement gap over past years (from RaiseOnline data first entry), and predictions:

The table below shows the gap between disadvantaged students and non-disadvantaged students in a number of key areas over the last four years, and the prediction for the current Year 11 cohort.

Expected progress in English 20 8 23 21 16
Expected progress in Maths 34 14 13 25* 20
Capped 8 Points Score 40.4 53.1 59.1 59.3 65
English Average Points Score 6.4 6.7 4.7 5.9 N/A P8
Maths Average Points Score 9.1 8.5 3.9 6.1 N/A P8
%A*-C in Maths and English 31 23 13 30** 26
%5+A*-CEM 30 22 17 30 29
%5+A*-GEM 5 9 10 5 11
Value added for Disadvantaged - - 943.0 965.4 956

*This is significantly positive against national.

**In 2015 ALL students made big improvements which had the effect of increasing the gap even though DP students improved as well.

St Ivo School: DP ‘gap’ analysis (English and Maths) for the current year groups Sept 2015-July 2016

(IPP scheme for KS3 based on a consistent 9-1 scale)

English Maths Based on:
Year 7 6.2% 7.8% Grade 1.5+
Year 8 7.7% 10.6% Grade 2.5+
Year 9 18.9% 13.9% Grade 3.5+
Year 10 16.7% 8.5% Grade 4+
Year 11 4.6% 8.1% Grade 4+
(Year 11) 20.6% 17.3% Grade 5+

Note: the new GCSE (9-1) Grade 4 is equivalent to an old GCSE low/middle grade C

Retention of DP/PP from Year 11 into St Ivo Sixth Form

School Year DP/PP Retention % Non DP/PP Retention %
Y11 cohort 2015-2016, moving into St Ivo Sixth Form September 2016 29 PP out of 52 = 56%
24 DP out of 47 = 51%

Section B: The current academic year (2016-2017)

In relation to the current academic year, schools must publish:

1. Pupil Premium allocation received by St Ivo for 2016-2017

2016-2017: For the academic year St Ivo received £222,530

2. A summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school

Pastoral and academic information, mentor sessions, plus the interviews of every Pupil Premium student in the school (1 to 1 form tutor/Pupil Premium student interviews using standardised question sheets) have revealed the following main barriers to educational achievement:

3. How the pupil premium allocation is to be spent to address those barriers and the reasons for that approach

St Ivo intends to spend the Pupil Premium allocation in key areas to address the barriers:

What are the reasons for this approach to those barriers for Pupil Premium students?

What evidence will there be that these areas will help to close the gap in achievement?

4. How the school is to measure the impact and effect of its expenditure of the pupil premium allocation

The impact and effect of school pupil premium spending will be measured in the following key ways (although a full outline of the strategy with measures is listed further below):

5. The next review date, and overall school pupil premium strategy

The date of the school’s next review of its pupil premium strategy is the week after June half term 2017. However, interim reviews and financial checkpoints occur, including the week after October half term, February half term and June half term.

The current planned overall school pupil premium strategy is as outlined below

The Pupil Premium is not distributed to each family but pooled as a resource to support school services. However, we plan that Pupil Premium students will benefit from a combination of approaches:

Leadership and management of DP/PP (Disadvantaged Pupils/Pupil Premium)

Teaching and learning (T&L)

Data systems and Outcomes for pupils

Personal development, behaviour and welfare

The important role of support staff