Form Tutors work closely with parents/carers, Heads of Year, the Attendance Manager, the Education Welfare Officer and students to achieve a high rate of student attendance and punctuality.
What action should I take if my child is too unwell to attend school?
All absences must be reported by 9.30am on a daily basis.
How do I register an absence?
Send an email to including your child's name, tutor group, reason for absence, your name and a contact telephone number.
Telephone the 24 hr Absence Line 01480 375400 select option 2 and leave a message giving all relevant information as above.
The school should be advised of any medical condition. A doctor's certificate may be requested if it affects your child's attendance.
Do I need to send a note on my child's return to school?
An email to the email address above is sufficient or a written note on the first day back. For email this should be sent on the first day of absence.
If my child is late for school, what should they do?
Registration takes place in tutor rooms from 8.30am – 8.45am. If your child arrives after 8.45am they MUST sign in at Reception.
Persistent lateness will not be tolerated and further action will be taken. If there is a valid reason for lateness, or a change in your home circumstances that is affecting your child's attendance at school, please advise us immediately.
My child has a medical appointment?
Appointments should be made outside of school hours. If this is not possible, please notify the school in advance by email or telephone.
Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?
From September 2014 and in line with national guidelines on school attendance, St Ivo School will be introducing fines for holidays and other unauthorised absences during term time, as one of the possible consequences of parents taking their children out of school.
Application forms are available by clicking here or from School Reception. Please note permission will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Be assured that we take these measures purely in the interest of your child’s education.
Will I be made aware if my child is a low attendee?
Yes. If their attendance falls below an acceptable level, a meeting will be arranged with you to discuss this. If there is no improvement, the matter will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
Registration closes at 8.45am. Persistent lateness will be reported and may result in referral to the Education Welfare Officer.
Parents/carers are asked to support the school by ensuring that their child arrives at school on time. The school has electronic registration with a register being taken at each lesson. If a student arrives late to school he or she must sign in at reception and then go straight to their lesson. In afternoon tutor period, they will need to explain their reason for lateness and have their planner signed. Any student with several late marks, without a valid reason, will be required to attend a late detention after school.
Signing in and out
A student who has to leave school for a medical or dental appointment or other valid reason needs an absence note. He/she reports to reception to 'sign out' of school, and 'signs in' on returning to school. Parents/carers can either telephone or email the Attendance Manager with advanced notice of any appointments. Any student without an appropriate absence note cannot be allowed to leave school.