

Outstanding behaviour, nothing less will do!

We introduced a new behaviour policy that came into effect from January 2014. Please click here to access the policy.

The policy includes the use of the Reflection Room as a means of achieving outstanding behaviour. We have also developed the praise and rewards systems used.

Parents' frequently asked questions

Below is a selection of some of the questions parents have frequently asked with regard to behaviour and the new policy.

Why would my son/daughter be sent to the Reflection Room?

Some of the main reasons for a student being sent to the Reflection Room include:

It is likely to be one of these reasons that result in a student being sent to the Reflection Room.

Who do I contact if I require more information about the referral to the Reflection Room?

The Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year. Email addresses for contacting them can be found on the contact us page.

What extra rewards are now in place?

We have introduced half termly draws for outstanding behaviour and achievement, Headteacher Award each half term, Department Awards (Monthly on a rota basis). Also in development are Honours Boards.

What are the criteria for these awards?

Outstanding behaviour, no negative merits, outstanding progression and achievement, significant contribution to school life.

Who do I report poor behaviour to if mentioned to me by my son/daughter?

Please contact the Head of Year, or in the case of poor behaviour during lesson time the Head of Department for the subject. A list of Heads of Year and Heads of department can be found on the staff page, with email addresses on the contact us page.

What is the frequency of merits and demerits?

All staff aim to give at least four positive merits for every negative demerit.