My Child's Progress

My Child's Progress

To monitor / track your child’s progress we are using an online system provided by Go4Schools ( Using this website you will be able to see the minimum target for your child, the teacher prediction for the end of the year (KS3 Years 7-9) or course (KS4 Years 10-11 and KS5 Sixth Form) and is colour coded to see if your child is on course to achieve this target.

Different subjects use different grading schemes in KS3 and KS4. This is being reviewed this year (2016-2017) so that we can move to a more consistent assessment regime. In KS3 English, Maths and Science use Ivo Progress Points (IPPs) which are on a scale of 1 to 99 and roughly equate to the new 1 to 9 scale (by dividing by 10). Other subjects use Ivo Levels which are similar to the old National Curriculum Levels (4c, 4b, 4a, 5c, 5b, 5a, etc) with the rough expectation that students are on Ivo Levels 3/4/5 in year 7, 4/5/6 in year 8 and 5/6/7 in year 9. The Ivo Progress Points conversion wheel can be found here.

You will also be able access the formal written report for each student (one written report per student per year) on Go4Schools along with any other assessment data we have (e.g. KS2 results, CATs scores or any actual results).

In addition, parents are offered a parent consultation evening once per year. Dates are available on the diary dates page, further information regarding parents' evenings is sent to parents a few weeks prior to each evening.

Parents' frequently asked questions

How do I log on to Go4Schools?

We have created a simple ‘how to log on’ guide for first time users. To read this click here.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password on Go4Schools?

On the Go4Schools website, go to the parent log in page and use the ‘Forgotten your password?’ section near the bottom of the page to get a new password sent to your email address registered with the school.

What are the ‘minimum target’ and ‘teacher prediction’?

To explain how we have decided to use Go4Schools to help students and parents understand each section on the student page on Go4Schools we have created a ‘Parent FAQ’ document explaining each section. To read this, please click here.

Can my child also access their assessment data and reports on Go4Schools?

Yes, all students can log on to Go4Schools from any computer on the school network using the automatic logon link. Outside school, or on a smartphone or tablet, they just need to go to the website, go to the ‘students’ page and click first time user log on and use their school email address. The password will then be sent to their school email. Once they have this they can then log in using the normal logon on the students page.