Clubs Timetable

Clubs Timetable

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Clubs and Activities Timetable 2016-17

Sixth Form volunteering opportunities and clubs can be found here.

Before School Lunchtime After School


Resource Centre open from 8.00am

Animal Shed & (Springtime) Greenfingers Club

Computing Club for Years 7 - 9 in room 23 with Mr Butler

Cricket for Year 7 boys in the Sports Hall with Mr Cook

Design Enterprise Club in T6/T8 with Miss Burden. Please register interest with Miss Burden or another D&T teacher.

Harmonise for Year 7 in L5

Netball for Year 11 on the courts with Miss Housden

Rounders for Year 7 on the field with Mrs Kemp

Rounders for Year 8 on the field with Miss Trigg

Tennis for all years on the courts with Mr Havard and Miss Leddy

Vibe for Years 8 & 9 in L8

Year 12 Sports Development - Sports event leading in the Recreation Centre with Mr Daly

Cricket for under 13 squad In the Sports Hall with Miss Trigg - selected students only

Netball for Year 11 on the courts with Miss Housden

Reflex Dance Company for Year 7 - 9 girls (invitation only) from 3.15 to 4.30pm in dance studio 1 with Miss McAdam

Resource Centre open until 5.30pm

Rugby for Year 9 boys on the field with Mr Braybrook

Hockey Club for Years 8 & 9 at the Outdoor Centre with Miss Williamson

Study Support from 3.00 to 4.30pm in the Resource Centre


Resource Centre open from 8.00am

Animal Shed & (Springtime) Greenfingers Club

Beginners Trampolining for Years 7 - 9 from 1.05 to 1.45pm with Mrs Kemp

Chess Club in N6 with Mrs Clarke

Commercial Dance Club for Years 7 & 8 boys & girls from 1.15 to 1.45pm in dance studio 1

Ensembles (string group, brass, saxophones, recorders) in L5, L7 and L8

Kick Football (invite only) in the Sports Hall

Manga Club for Years 7 - 9 in the Resource Centre

Netball for Year 9 on the courts with Miss Williamson

Tennis for all years on the courts with Mr Havard and Miss Williams

Vocational Sport Catch-up for Year 11 in room 7 with Mr Daly

Badminton in the Sports Hall with Miss Leddy and Miss Williams

Resource Centre open until 5.30pm

Study Support from 3.00 to 4.30pm in the Resource Centre


Resource Centre open from 8.00am

Animal Shed & (Springtime) Greenfingers Club

Colouring Club in N13

Key Stage 3 Dance Club for all abilities from 1.15 to 1.45pm in dance studio 1 with Miss McHugh

Les Miserables vocal rehearsal in L8

Sixth Form Netball on the courts with Miss Housden and Miss Williamson

STEM Club for Years 7 - 9 in S14 with Dr Angus. Lots of sciences challenges and experiments!

Team Tennis for all years on the courts with Mrs Kemp and Mr Pugh

The Listening Service (TLS) for Year 7 in T7 from 14th September

Vocational Sport Catch-up for Year 10 in room 7 with Miss Housden and Miss Williamson

Vocational Sport Catch-up for Year 11 in room 7 with Mr Daly

Wind Band in L5

Ivo Dance Company for boys from 3.15 to 4.30pm in dance studio 1 with Miss McAdam

Resource Centre open until 5.30pm

Rugby for Year 7 boys on the field with Mr Dominy

Study Support from 3.00 to 4.30pm in the Resource Centre

Summer Fun Touch Rugby for all years boys and girls from 3.00 to 4.00pm on the field with Mr Dominy

Swing Band from 3 to 4pm in L5


Resource Centre open from 8.00am

Animal Shed & (Springtime) Greenfingers Club

Barbershop week A only in L5

Cricket for Year 7 & 8 girls in the Sports Hall with Miss Trigg

Eco Ivo week B only in N21 with Mrs Morey

Film Club for Years 12 & 13 in P27 with Mrs Malster

Four-Part Choir week B only in L5

Geography Club for Years 7 & 8 in N15 with Miss Booth and Miss Raine

Keyboard Club for Year 7 in L7

Spanish Club for Year 8 in room 10 with Miss Hay. Starts Thursday 12th January for 7 weeks

Tap Club for all ages and abilities from 1.15 to 1.45pm in dance studio 1 with Miss McHugh

Tennis for all years on the courts with Mr Cook

Vocalise week A only in L8

Music School from 3 to 4pm. Samba in the Gym, Steel Pans in L5, Guitars and Ukuleles in L8. No experience necessary!

Resource Centre open until 5.30pm

Study Support from 3.00 to 4.30pm in the Resource Centre


Resource Centre open from 8.00am

Animal Shed & (Springtime) Greenfingers Club

Basketball for Year 9 in the Sports Hall with Miss Williamson

Folk Group in L5

Les Miserables vocal rehearsal in L8

Music Theory Club in L7

Tennis for all years on the courts with Mr Havard and Mr Smith

Girls National Cup Football for Years 7 - 9 with Miss Trigg - selected squads only.

Rebound Dance Company for Year 10 - 13 girls & boys from 3.15 to 4.30pm in dance studio 1 with Miss McAdam

Resource Centre open until 5.00pm

The Animal Shed and Greenfingers Club

Meets in the animal shed every break time and lunchtime. Activities include helping to look after the school rabbits and guinea pigs, and growing and looking after plants. In the spring term help is needed to grow vegetables in the garden to feed the animals and also to help grow flowers for sale to boost animal shed funds to pay vet bills.

Study Support

Study Support runs on Monday to Thursday after school, between 3.00pm and 4.30pm. Trained support is available from staff during Study Support, to help and guide students.