Sixth Form

Welcome to the Sixth Form page

The Sixth Form tutor team for 2008 - 2009 are:

Head of Sixth Form: Mr R Perry

Assistant Heads of Sixth Form: Miss S Monk and Mr M Oswell

Jump to: form tutors, message from the Head of Year, the Sixth Form Contract, absence, trips or important diary dates.

Form Tutors:

Year 12:

Mr J Burniston, Miss A Chamley-Potter, Mr B Carter, Mr T Dixon, Mr R Francis/Mrs A Bull, Mrs E Kenton-Howells, Mrs J Mottram, Mrs K Perry, Ms E Robinson and Miss L Wilson

Year 13:

Miss D Akers, Mr I Burry, Dr S Miller, Mrs C Morrison, Mrs B Morey, Mr N Perry, Mrs C Senior, Mr D Tilley, Mrs M Watton and Mr G Wilson.

Message from Head of Sixth Form

The St Ivo Sixth Form prides itself on offering a wide choice of academic, pre-vocational and extra-curricular opportunities for all its students. Appropriate programmes are designed for students in consultation with tutors and careers staff. The challenges of new post-16 courses are ahead with Year 12 students following a course of 4 AS levels or an equivalent combination of level 2 vocational, applied GCE and AS levels complemented by work in the key skills of communication, use of number and information communication technology. Students either take three of their AS levels or equivalent to a more advanced A2 level or extend level 2 vocational studies to applied GCE advanced level. High levels of achievement are expected and attained. All students must complement academic studies with a well-rounded programme of extra-curricular activities, from community service to sports. To achieve such standards, the school expects a high degree of commitment from its students. In exchange, the students should feel an entitlement to high standards from the school. This forms the basis of the Sixth Form Contract.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school to share any worries or concerns you may have about your son’s or daughter’s work at any time in the Sixth Form. You should contact school via myself or my two assistants and we will arrange for you to speak to the appropriate staff.

The Sixth Form Contract

The Student’s Commitments

It is understood that being a student in the St Ivo Sixth Form offers certain privileges and demands certain responsibilities in return.

  1. Attendance at all lessons, tutorial time and designated assemblies is compulsory and is recorded for future references and Record of Progress documents. A punctual attitude is expected.

  2. If students are late into school they must sign in at the main school reception.

  3. An unplanned absence should be explained by an immediate telephone call to school, followed by a note on return to school.

  4. If students need to miss school for a genuine reason they must fill in an ‘authorised absence’ form at least two days prior to their absence. The form is held by their tutor.

  5. Signing on for post-16 courses involves a high degree of commitment. All lessons must be attended and deadlines for work followed. Holidays should be avoided in school time and you are recommended not to do more than 12 hours paid work per week.

  6. A ‘viable timetable’ in the Sixth Form involves a commitment of a minimum of 21 periods in agreed areas. If students wish to change subjects they must consult with their subject teacher and form tutor who will guide them through the process to ensure their timetable is complete.

  7. The 21 periods must include either one PE or one Community Action period. In Year 13 the Community Action is compulsory for a minimum of 12 weeks.

  8. In the summer term all students are obliged to attend Activities Week.

  9. Students must follow the code of behaviour laid out in the Sixth Form booklet. Dress must be in line with the dress code. The Keep building must be respected and looked after by students.

  10. The difference between social and anti-social behaviour is as clear as in other areas of the school. Students should be respectful and polite to members of staff and to each other. Bullying is not tolerated. 

St Ivo’s Commitments

It is understood that St Ivo has these commitments to every Sixth Form student: 

  1. Appropriate academic teaching facilities are provided for all.

  2. Each student is entitled to opportunities for Community Service, PE, work experience and the use of Information Technology. 

  3. The Keep building is made available by the school for the use of members of Years 12 and 13.

  4. Progress is carefully monitored through the academic tracking system and pastoral care is given. Form tutors are responsible for their students and offer help and support when needed.

  5. There is a representative body for sixth formers, the Sixth Form Committee. Its duties and powers are laid down in the Committee Constitution.


Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for further details.


Please note that details of school trips, and copies of letters sent home to parents/carers regarding these, can be found on the secure Business Centre website. Parents/carers need to sign up to access the website (click here to view the letter sent home regarding this - PDF document).

Important Diary Dates

For the most up to date information for the current week, please visit the "Events of the Week" page.

Wednesday 8th October: CIDA/DIDA trip.

Thursday 9th and Friday 10th October: Year 12 Geography trips (one a day).

Saturday 11th to 18th October: German Exchange.

Monday 13th October: Art Printing Workshop.

Tuesday 14th October: Year 12 OCR Travel & Tourism trip; SISA AGM in the evening.

Wednesday 15th October: Year 13 Theatre Studies trip in the evening.

Wednesday 22nd October: Professional Day.

Thursday 23rd to 30th October: Geography Department visit to South Africa.

Friday 24th October to Saturday 1st November: History Department visit to China.

Monday 27th to Friday 31st October: half term.

Tuesday 4th November: GCSE Presentation afternoon.

Wednesday 5th and Monday 10th November: GCSE English retake exams.

Thursday 6th November: Senior Maths Challenge.

Thursday 6th and Tuesday 11th November: GCSE Maths retake exams.

Wednesday 12th November: Year 13 parents/carers evening starting at 4.00pm.

Thursday 13th November: Year 13 Geography trip; Year 12 Art Department Printing Workshop.

Friday 14th November:Dance trip.

Tuesday 18th November: Year 12 Travel & Tourism trip.

Wednesday 19th November: Year 12 Economics and Applied Business trip.

Thursday 20th November: GCSE Presentation Day for Year 12.

Friday 21st November: Year 13 Geography trip.

Sunday 23rd November: Theatre Studies production - technical rehearsal.

Monday 24th November: Theatre studies production - dress rehearsal.

Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th November: Theatre Studies Production each evening at 7.30pm in the Drama Studio.

Friday 28th November: Music Concert trip.

Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th December: School Pantomime performances each evening at 7.30pm in the School Hall.

Wednesday 10th December: Year 12 Travel & Tourism trip.

Thursday 11th December: Art Printing Workshop.

Friday 12th December: Year 12 Driver Safety event periods 1 to 3.

Monday 15th December: OCR Travel & Tourism trip.

Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th December: Christmas Concerts at 7.30pm in the School Hall.

Monday 22nd December to Friday 2nd January: Christmas holiday.

Thursday 8th to Friday 30th January: AS and A2 Level module exams.

Friday 16th January: Art trip.

Saturday 24th to Tuesday 27th January: RE/Ethics visit to Poland.

Tuesday 27th January: A Level Music revision conference.

Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th January: Spotlight evening performances.

Saturday 31st January: German exchange students arrive.

Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th February: Year 12 AGCE ICT visit to France.

Wednesday 4th February: Year 13 Travel & Tourism trip.

Wednesday 11th February: Geography Department Information Evening for Year 12 visit to the USA.

Friday 13th to Saturday 21st February: Year 12 ski trip.

Monday 16th to Friday 20th February: half term; French students work experience.

Wednesday 25th February: Year 12 Drink, Drugs & Sexual Health day.

Saturday 28th February to Tuesday 3rd March: Year 12 History trip to Germany.

Wednesday 4th to Sunday 8th March: Year 12 Travel & Tourism visit to the USA.

Monday 9th to Friday 13th March: Year 12 & 13 visit to Spain; National Science & Engineering Week activities.

Wednesday 11th March: "Work in Progress" in the afternoon in the Drama Studio; Music Department Spring Concert starting at 7.30pm in the Dining Hall.

Thursday 12th March: Dance external exams.

Thursday 19th March: individual photographs; .

Monday 23rd March to Tuesday 12th May: AS and A2 Level practical exams.

Monday 30th March: A Level Theatre Studies performance evening starting at 7.30pm in the Drama Studio.

Tuesday 31st March: AS Level Theatre Studies practical exams all day in the Drama Studio.

Tuesday 31st March to Friday 3rd April: Year 12 Geography visit to Wales.

Wednesday 1st April: A2 Level Theatre Studies practical exams all day in the Drama Studio.

Monday 6th to 20th April: Easter holiday (Professional Day on Monday 20th April).

Wednesday 22nd April: AS Level German oral exams.

Friday 24th April: AS and A2 Level Music practical exams.

Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th April: AS Level Art exams.

Tuesday 28th April: AS & A2 Geography examiner in school all day.

Wednesday 29th April: AS Level French oral exams.

Friday 1st May: A2 Level French and German oral exams.

Monday 4th May: May Day bank holiday - school closed.

Wednesday 6th May: Economics revision conference.

Monday 11th May: A Level Biology field trip.

Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th May: A2 Level Art exams.

Monday 11th May to Friday 5th June: AS Level written exams.

Wednesday 13th May: Year 13 Business studies revision conference.

Monday 25th to Friday 29th May: half term.

Thursday 4th to Friday 19th June: A2 Level written exams.

Tuesday 23rd June: Year 12 "Boombizz" Enterprise event in the Burgess Hall; A Level Art exhibition from 5.00pm to 8.00pm.

Monday 29th June: Year 12 Geography trip.

Thursday 2nd July: Leavers' Ball.

Wednesday 8th July: Music Department Summer Concert in the evening.

Friday 17th July: last day of term.

Monday 20th July: Professional Day.

Thursday 20th August: AS & A2 Level results published.