Year 7

Welcome to the Year 7 page

St Ivo School seems a daunting place at first, but we hope that Year 7 find the welcome and support of their form tutors helpful in their first year at the school.

The Year 7 tutor team for 2008 - 2009 are:

Head of Year: Mrs J Slater

Assistant Head of Year: Mr P Braybrook

Jump to: form tutors, message from the Head of Year, curriculum, homework, trips, important diary dates or other important information.

Form Tutors:

Mr C Cassidy, Dr N Eaton/Ms L Reditt, Mr D Fullman, Miss M Gosling, Mrs E King, Mr T McLeod, Ms E MacLeod, Mr J Moon, Mr A. Readyhoof, Miss H Shipley and Miss H Wright.

Message from the Head of Year

We welcome your child to St Ivo School and to Year 7. This is the beginning of an exciting time as students embrace new experiences, fresh challenges and forge new relationships.  We have a joint responsibility as teachers and parents to make sure that students are happy and secure.  We look forward to working together with you in this important area, giving encouragement and support and so building a firm foundation for their future.

Most importantly we want students to enjoy school life and all that it has to offer.

Please may I draw your attention to the Parents’/Carers’ Evening on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 when you will have the chance to talk to your son’s/daughter’s form tutor.

In the meantime please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns and we will do our best to help wherever possible.


In Year 7 pupils study:

Art, drama, English, geography, history, ICT, mathematics, a modern foreign language, music, PE, RE, science, technology and personal and social education.

Teaching will be mainly in tutor groups, although setting will take place in mathematics and languages during the year. Smaller groups are formed for technology for safety reasons.


During Year 7, we encourage pupils to take an increasing responsibility for their own learning and the personal organisation of their work, both at home and in school. To this end, all pupils will be given a personal planner in which to record homework tasks and deadlines.  The planners also assist with effective communication between home and school - essential to support the pupils’ learning. There is space for teachers to comment on pupils’ attitude and behaviour and for parents/carers to note comments made. Pupils will be expected to carry the planner with them at all times. We ask that parents/carers please check the planner each week and add their signatures.


Please note that details of school trips, and copies of letters sent home to parents/carers regarding these, can be found on the secure Business Centre website. Parents/carers need to sign up to access the website (click here to view the letter sent home regarding this - PDF document).

Important Diary Dates

For the most up to date information for the current week, please visit the " Events of the Week" page.

Tuesday 14th October: SISA AGM in the evening.

Wednesday 15th October: netball tournaments after school.

Friday 17th October: Year Council representatives trip.

Tuesday 21st and Thursday 23rd October: History trips (one each day).

Wednesday 22nd October: Professional Day.

Monday 27th to Friday 31st October: half term.

Tuesday 4th November: first Year Council training session.

Tuesday 11th November: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls netball, boys rugby).

Thursday 13th November: second Year Council training session.

Saturday 22nd November: rugby fixture.

Thursday 4th December: Dance trip.

Tuesday 9th December: third Year Council training session.

Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th December: School Pantomime performances each evening at 7.30pm in the School Hall.

Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th December: Christmas Concerts at 7.30pm in the School Hall.

Thursday 18th December: carol service.

Monday 22nd December to Friday 2nd January: Christmas holiday.

Wednesday 14th January: Drama trip.

Wednesday 14th to Friday 16th January: Music trips (one a day).

Wednesday 21st January: girls basketball tournaments after school.

Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th January: Spotlight evening performances.

Monday 16th to Friday 20th February: half term.

Tuesday 24th February: cricket tournament after school.

Thursday 5th March: World Book Day; Year 7 Reading Mastermind Competition.

Monday 9th to Friday 13th March: National Science & Engineering Week activities.

Wednesday 11th March: Music Department Spring Concert starting at 7.30pm in the Dining Hall.

Monday 16th March: Science Festival trip.

Wednesday 18th March: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls swimming; boys football).

Wednesday 25th March: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls hockey; boys swimming); hockey tournaments after school.

Monday 6th to 20th April: Easter holiday (Professional Day on Monday 20th April).

Thursday 30th April: athletics starting at 4.15pm.

Monday 4th May: May Day bank holiday - school closed.

Thursday 7th May: athletics starting at 4.15pm.

Monday 25th to Friday 29th May: half term.

Thursday 4th June: athletics starting at 4.15pm.

Monday 15th to Friday 26th June: Year 7 Science trips (sometime during this fortnight - dates TBC).

Thursday 18th June: PE Championships in the afternoon.

Thursday 25th June: Athletics District Championships in the afternoon.

Wednesday 1st July: parents/carers evening starting at 4.00pm.

Wednesday 8th July: Music Department Summer Concert in the evening.

Tuesday 14th July: interform athletics all day

Friday 17th July: last day of term.

Monday 20th July: Professional Day.

We would ask for support from parents/carers to ensure that the high standard of uniform is maintained.

These are available for all pupils, although some pupils may be asked to share. Pupils must provide their own lock and keys.

Pupils may leave bicycles in the cycle sheds or on the balcony outside the art rooms. A very strong lock should be provided.

Absence and Punctuality
Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for details.

For reasons of security, pupils are asked not to bring valuable items or large sums of money into school. If, for any reason, such items need to be brought in, they should be given to the pupil's form tutor or head of year for safe keeping. All personal possessions should be clearly marked with the pupil's name and form. Personal stereos and mobile phones are not allowed in school and are liable to be confiscated. Please note that the school cannot accept liability for any items lost, stolen or damaged on school premises.