Year 9
Welcome to the Year 9 page
The Year 9 tutor team for 2008 - 2009 are:
Head of Year: Mr L Scott
Assistant Head of Year: Mrs J Woodruff
Year 8 & 9 Switzerland Trip - Summer 2009 Please note that this trip will be launched this week. Letters available from Mr Havard on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th October. |
Jump to: form tutors, message from the Head of Year, curriculum, homework, trips, important diary dates or other important information.
Mrs A Conradie, Mrs C Clifton, Mrs M England, Miss S Gear, Mr A Gower, Mr D Gray, Miss A McNabola, Miss J Osman, Mr D Seekings and Mrs M Taylor/Mrs C Meadowcroft.
Parents/carers, this will be a year of challenge for your sons and daughters. We look forward to supporting and encouraging all of our students as they prepare for their SATs at the end of Key Stage 3 and make their choices for their GCSE courses.
The tutorial programme will include Personal Learning Plans, a project developed by the Connexions (Careers Guidance) to help young people identify educational, vocational and social goals and draw up plans through which their goals can be realised. Also through tutorial work, pupils will be encouraged to see themselves and school as part of the wider community and environment and will be given an opportunity to contribute to projects and fundraising events for local or national charities.
As part of the preparation for GCSE choices, pupils will have lessons in decision-making. A Curriculum Evening will be held for parents/carers to share information about the GCSE courses. There will be a day for parents/carers and pupils to consult with Year 9 form tutors and the Senior Management Team to discuss and finalise option choices in March 2008.
Sport and social opportunities will continue to play an important part in your child’s school life. There will be trips, visits, dance and drama productions, clubs and societies. Later in the year, students will have the opportunity to volunteer and train for The Listening Service, a befriending service offered to younger pupils. There will be representatives on the Year and School Councils providing an opportunity for pupils to contribute towards some decisions about how the school is run.
We will be working with you to make Year 9 a valuable and worthwhile experience for your child. We look forward to meeting you at parents’/carers’ evenings and other events during the year. If you have any concerns about the welfare or progress of your child, do please contact us at school and we shall be happy to help.
In Year 9 pupils study:
English, mathematics, science, a modern foreign language, technology, history, geography, art, ICT, PE, music, RE and personal, social and health education. Some pupils will also study a second language.
HomeworkHomework is an integral and important part of all subjects. Getting into the habit of taking homework seriously and handing it in on time, is a valuable preparation for examination and coursework requirements at GCSE. Parents have a vital role in supporting and contributing to their child’s learning. We ask you to continue to show interest in the homework which is set and monitor that it is being completed. To this end, all pupils will be given a planner in which to record homework tasks, coursework details and deadlines. There will also be space for teachers to comment on pupil attendance and behaviour and for you to note and respond to comments made. Pupils will be expected to carry their planners with them at all times. Please ask to see the planner regularly and sign it each week.
For the most up to date information for the current week, please visit the "Events of the Week" page.
Tuesday 14th October: SISA AGM in the evening.
Friday 17th October: Year Council representatives trip.
Wednesday 22nd October: Professional Day; hockey tournament after normal school time.
Monday 27th to Friday 31st October: half term.
Tuesday 4th November: first Year Council training session.
Thursday 6th November: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls hockey, boys rugby).
Friday 7th November: History trip.
Saturday 8th November: rugby fixture.
Thursday 13th November: second Year Council training session.
Tuesday 18th November: Road Safety Presentation in the afternoon.
Thursday 4th December: German event periods 1 and 2; Dance trip.
Tuesday 9th December: third Year Council training session.
Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th December: School Pantomime performances each evening at 7.30pm in the School Hall.
Wednesday 10th December: basketball tournament after school.
Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th December: Christmas Concerts at 7.30pm in the School Hall.
Monday 22nd December to Friday 2nd January: Christmas holiday.
Tuesday 13th January: Modern Languages "Talk the Talk" event.
Wednesday 14th January: launch of Year 9 into 10 option choices.
Monday 19th to Friday 23rd January: Year 9 into 10 subject awareness week.
Wednesday 21st January: World of Work event; girls basketball tournament after school.
Thursday 22nd January: Curriculum Evening for parents/carers.
Wednesday 28th January: Drama Performance Evening at 7.30pm in the Drama Studio.
Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th January: Spotlight evening performances.
Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th February: mock SATs exams.
Monday 16th to Friday 20th February: half term.
Friday 27th February: Health Day.
Thursday 5th March: World Book Day.
Monday 9th to Friday 13th March: parent/carer consultations; National Science & Engineering Week activities.
Wednesday 11th March: Music Department Spring Concert starting at 7.30pm in the Dining Hall.
Monday 16th March: interform periods 2 - 4 (girls netball, boys football); Science Festival trip.
Tuesday 17th March: deadline for Year 9 option choices forms.
Thursday 19th March: individual photographs.
Wednesday 1st April: netball tournament after school.
Monday 6th to 20th April: Easter holiday (Professional Day on Monday 20th April).
Thursday 23rd April: athletics starting at 4.15pm.
Monday 4th May: May Day bank holiday - school closed.
Tuesday 5th to Friday 8th May: SATs exams.
Monday 25th to Friday 29th May: half term.
Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th June: Maths trips.
Friday 5th June: Geography Japan Day.
Thursday 11th June: athletics starting at 4.15pm.
Friday 3rd to Saturday 11th July: visit to Switzerland.
Wednesday 8th July: Music Department Summer Concert in the evening.
Monday 13th July: interform athletics all day.
Monday 13th to Friday 17th July: Work Related Activities this week.
Friday 17th July: last day of term.
Monday 20th July: Professional Day.
Uniform |
Lockers |
Bicycles Pupils may leave bicycles in the cycle sheds or on the balcony outside the art rooms. A very strong lock should be provided. |
Absence and Punctuality |
Security |