About St Ivo

Jump to: welcome message from the Headteacher, awards, OfSTED inspection report or what Year 7 students say.

Welcome message from the Headteacher

As the Headteacher of St Ivo it has been a real pleasure to come to work each day; it is important that it is equally pleasurable for all pupils and staff and, to that end, my first priority is that everybody has the right to have a happy and safe day at school. My second priority is to aim to provide the best educational experience we can for the youngsters and the high professionalism of staff at the school is vital for this to occur.

At St Ivo School we are proud to be a comprehensive school, serving the needs of the local community to the best of our ability.

On arrival at the school, students are placed in Tutor Groups, with a number of such groups making up the full Year Group. This system seeks to break the large unit size into smaller, more manageable units so that students receive the levels of care and support needed within the full school context. It is important, of course, to recognise that the benefits of being part of this large school are in terms of the resourcing and staffing we are able to provide, thus ensuring a wide range of learning experiences for all students.

Our success as a school can be measured in a number of ways. Certainly examination results at GCSE, ‘A’ Level and Applied courses are of a high standard, and we recognise the importance of this for our students. We are particularly pleased with the progress which students are making at both GCSE and A Level  with a significant improvement at GCSE in recent years. Similarly, our sporting achievements, school productions, concerts, exchange visits and cultural experiences all serve to enrich the lives of our students. It is also important that we have a strong, positive ethos based upon mutual respect and that the school has a calm, purposeful atmosphere.

This website contains much more detail of our organisation and expectations at St Ivo. I hope it proves readable and informative, but should you require any further information, please contact your child’s tutor or head of year in the first instance. I look forward to working with you over the coming years.


St Ivo School is proud to have been presented with a number of national awards:

ICT Mark logo ICT MARK - this award shows that St Ivo is at the forefront of using information and communication technology to enhance teaching and learning. The new quality mark recognises schools who can demonstrate they use ICT to support all learners and all school activities. The ICT Mark is awarded by Becta, the governments lead agency for ICT in education, and recognises the success that St Ivo has in developing a strategic approach to its use of ICT across the whole school.
ARTSMARK SILVER AWARD - This is a prestigious award that aims to recognise the high quality work done in departments such as dance, drama, music and art. Artsmark schools are committed to giving young people a wide range of arts experiences both in the classroom and in after school clubs, and to provide visits or partnerships with artists and arts organisations. As a school we are very proud of this achievement as confirmation of designation recognises the high profile that these departments have in the school and the contribution they make to the school as a whole.
EUROPEAN AWARD FOR LANGUAGES 2006 WINNER - This award recognises creative ways to improve the quality of language teaching, motivate students and make the best of available resources. Award-winning projects provide a potential source of inspiration for others, in different languages, contexts and even different countries, and have an international dimension. St Ivo School has received this award as part of our participation in the Junior CULP - Cambridge University Language Programme, which enables students to learn a new language through intensive all day and twilight sessions, which are held at either the university or school.

OfSTED Inspection Report

"Pupils’ personal development is good and in some respects outstanding.”
“The school provides a well-organised, very supportive environment where the majority of pupils are happy, confident and enjoy school due to good supervision."
“Standards are beginning to rise further and pupils are beginning to make better progress.”
“The school is successful in ensuring that no group underachieves.”

Alan Alder about St Ivo School
OFSTED Lead Inspector – October 2007

Click here to read the full report from our October 2007 inspection (PDF document).

What Year 7 students say …

“Before I came to St Ivo I was worried about getting lost, but I haven’t yet. Since being here I have enjoyed the netball club and History lessons. I have made lots of new friends.” Bethany

“I have really enjoyed my first week at St Ivo. My favourite lesson has been Science. I have met loads of new people and have made some great friends. Overall I think I have had a brilliant start to the Ivo.”

“I have enjoyed most of the Ivo so far, I have made lots of friends, and I have also liked the dinners.” Faye

“I was really scared at first and I felt really small with all the big people around me, but after the first week or so I really started to enjoy everything - even getting lost!.” Clara

“My first week at the Ivo has been great. I like the Science and Maths that we do and I enjoy going to the resource centre where you can take out books.” Daniel

“I thoroughly enjoyed my first day at St Ivo School although I was quite scared and nervous to start with, but I got used to the work and getting around the school. The other pupils and staff were very nice and made me feel at home.” Matthew

“The first week at St Ivo has been great! Although for some of the lessons I wasn’t sure where I was going, it was really easy to fit in and I was welcomed by all the other children as well.” Poppy

“My first week at St Ivo has been awesome and I have made loads of friends. My lessons are quite cool and Science is probably the best. The food at the canteen is really nice.” Lee

“My first impression of the school was big, very big! You do get lost for the first couple of days, but just stick with your class and you will be fine.” George

“The thing I have enjoyed most at St Ivo is going to the library. I don’t really know which lesson I like the most because I love them all!” Molly