The St Ivo Code

Jump to: the Code, right ways to behave, rewarding the positive at St Ivo, when things go wrong or bullying.

The Code

St Ivo is a large school, which succeeds as a community by all members supporting an agreed code of conduct.


Everyone deserves respect. School property and personal property also need to be shown respect.

Safety and Security

It is a fundamental right for everyone to feel safe and secure when at St Ivo. We seek to avoid risk to ourselves and each other. Bullying and intimidation are not accepted in our community.

Teaching and Learning

St Ivo promotes a positive learning environment and recognises the value of all forms of achievement. We recognise the importance of praise and support and agree to take responsibility for ensuring teaching and learning are not disrupted by ourselves or others.


Each member of the St Ivo community has a duty to take responsibility for their actions.


We encourage and promote opportunities for everyone to become active in the community life of the school. This includes clubs, societies, social events and opportunities for good citizenship.


We believe in keeping everyone informed of what is happening in our community. Everyone has a right to be heard and have their views respected.

At all times, we aim to communicate a positive image of St Ivo School.

Right Ways To Behave

We aim to set high standards of behaviour in our school. Learning how to behave is as important to us as all other kinds of learning at St Ivo. It teaches us to be valuable members of the community and prepares us to succeed in life. Learning right from wrong is vital in achieving high standards of behaviour, as is accepting responsibility for how we behave.

What we expect:

Rewarding the positive at St Ivo

Our school seeks to recognise achievement of all kinds. We foster a culture of success and reward. Those who achieve well in any of our areas of work are noticed and rewarded. We aim to promote a sense of pride in achievement, to build confidence and self-esteem and to emphasise the positive in our school.

Praise and reward take many forms at St Ivo:

Good work and homework

Sustained Effort Group Activities

Special Achievements, in or out of school

In all these ways and in other less formal ways, our aim is to recognise achievement, praise positive qualities and build self-confidence and self-esteem.

When things go wrong...

We all make mistakes; these are part of learning. When we behave in ways that fall below the St Ivo standards we will be judged fairly. Criticisms and punishments will be constructive and help us to behave better. We will be offered ways to support our learning of good behaviour. We will be asked to accept responsibility for our behaviour and to try harder next time. If necessary the school will inform and involve our parents/carers and will call upon outside support agencies to help if needed. The online system will also be used to record incidents.

Organisation of Work and Homework

Punctuality and Attendance


Very serious disobedience, insolence, violent or abusive behaviour will result in:

Where appropriate, we will expect a student to rectify the problem or damage caused.


St Ivo School is firmly opposed to all forms of bullying. Students are expected to treat each other with consideration and respect. We emphasise the importance of good relationships with others in all aspects of school life. The topic of bullying is included in our Personal, Social and Health Education Programme. Older students are encouraged to support younger students through a variety of schemes; one of these is The Listening Service (TLS). Within the Year 7 PSHE curriculum we have a unit in which we introduce the Anti-Bullying policy through a variety of activities. The school will react firmly and promptly when bullying is identified. If you suspect your child is being bullied, please inform the Head of Year immediately.

You may also wish to visit the policies page.