
The St Ivo School Association, known as SISA, is the Parent Teacher Association for the school. It is a registered charity (number 1043018) and is affiliated to the National Association of PTAs.

SISA exists to enhance the links between the school and its wider community. It provides a forum for parents and carers to meet one another, to support the staff and to raise funds to purchase items of equipment or services that will benefit all the children attending the school.

Every parent/carer who has a child at the school is automatically a member of the association and is entitled to stand as a member of the committee.

Dates for your calendar - 2008:

Fund-raising activities

Click here to see the latest winners of the SISA 200 Club (PDF document). Congratulations to those lucky people!

Recent purchases supported by SISA

Getting involved

Contacting SISA

You should receive more information about SISA when your child joins the school. If you would like to know more, please telephone Nicki Coulter, the SISA Chairperson, on 01480 301637 or via email at nicholl.c.coulter@ntlworld.com.

Minutes of Meetings

Click here for the minutes of the SISA meeting held on 25th June 2008 (PDF document).