Trips and Visits

Jump to: day trips or residential visits.

A number of departments organise trips related to the topics students are studying. This page gives a flavour of the visits undertaken in a typical academic year.

Day Trips

Key Stage 3 Visits


Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form

Residential Visits

Modern Languages

Year 8 main language pupils are offered the opportunity to spend four or five days in France or Germany. On both trips, pupils use their language skills in the residential centre and in the local towns to make purchases, to ask for information and to do surveys in the target language. In France in 2008, pupils will be exploring Bayeux (where they will see the tapestry), Arromanches (with its 360 degree cinema), Honfleur (with its unusual cathedral) and the Normandy coast. In Germany in 2009, pupils will be visiting a castle along the Rhine, travelling by boat along the Moselle, through the lock at Beilstein, exploring the Roman ruins in Trier and staying in a former Prussian fortress.

Year 9 and 10 pupils of German are invited to participate in a short exchange visit to Germany and an equivalent opportunity is currently being researched for Year 9 and 10 pupils of French. We are also planning a day trips for pupils in Years 9 and 10.

Students in Years 12 and 13 are offered the chance to do work experience in their target language country be it France or Germany. In the case of Germany, students spend a week of their Easter holidays in Germany totally immersed in German life and living with a German family but taking part in work experience. Students in French are invited to participate in a joint ICT and French trip to Paris. The students of French work on AS Level topics related to the world of work and on grammar as well as visiting Paris where they gather materials and Disneyland where they interview unsuspecting tourists about matters relating to their oral topics.


In March Year 12 historians have the opportunity to visit Berlin as part of their As studies of Germany 1933-63. Every December, Year 13 students visit Dublin as part of their studies of British and Irish History. These visits are generally three or four nights in length.

In October 2008 history students in Years 11 to 13 will visit China for a week, taking in sights including Beijing, the Great Wall and future Olympic stadium.


Since October 2000 groups of students from Year 10 to Year 12 have bi-annually travelled to Kenya during October half term establishing a link with a Kenyan school, visiting national parks, local tribes and the Rift Valley. The next visit in October 2008, however, is to South Africa - which again includes opportunities to go on safari and learn about the social/cultural geography of the country.

GCSE Geographers also now have the opportunity of a visit to Iceland to study plate tectonics.

A Level geographers visit the Snowdonia National Park to undertake practical geography fieldwork.

Travel and Tourism

Students now have an opportunity to take part in a five day visit to New York - to study aspects of their course which include health, safety and security as well as customer service. The department also works with the faculty of Travel and Tourism at New York University where students participate in a number of seminars.  Travel and Tourism students also visit the Marriott Hotel at Huntingdon and Cadbury World during the first year of the course.

RE and Ethics

Year 10 to 13 students have the opportunity to visit Auschwitz in Poland to learn about the events of the Holocaust. Years 11 to 13 can visit Rome to develop an understanding through visiting the historical sights of the importance of Rome in Christian history. Students also have a Papal audience. Sixth Form students attend a conference in New York to complement their studies on Philosophy and Black Theology.


Year 12 AGCE students visit Disneyland, Paris to see how the organisation uses ICT to support its commercial operations.

Ski Trip to Switzerland

Two ski trips are organised annually for students, which take place in February half term and at Easter.  Students opt for skiing or snowboarding, and there is an instructor for beginners, intermediate and advanced groups.  The chalet accommodation is excellent and the evening entertainment programme is extensive.