to all of those hardworking students in Year 11 who have spent a lot of their
own time outside school working on their final projects.� We now have lots of examples of work,
demonstrating a very high standard.� We
are very encouraged by the enthusiasm of many students shown throughout this
period.� We hope that this will
continue throughout the theory sessions leading up to examination leave.� We would like to wish all of our students
well in their examinations. Pupils in
Years 7, 8 and 9 will have completed their second design project and we have
some examples of excellent puppets, jitterbugs, decorative boxes and photo
frames.� Well done and keep up the good
work! Pupils in
Year 9 have made their choices for their preferred design subject to be
carried on to GCSE level starting in September 2004.� Please ask your design teachers if you want
any more information about the courses. Solutions Design Exhibition We are presenting our annual exhibition of Year 11 coursework and also Year 12 and 13 project work in a |