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Parent/Carer This
half-term has seen the completion of our budget statement for 2003/04, and
the situation remains one of real difficulty.�
You are probably aware that Cambridgeshire County Council was engaged
in a position of conflict with the Secretary of State for Education, and the
eventual settlement did not go far enough to help schools in the way we would
have wanted.� Similarly, the council
tax situation was �too little too late� to be of full benefit to us, given
the position we have found ourselves in over the past few years.� As a consequence, we remain under-funded,
and seem to have spent too many years chasing this situation on behalf of all
our pupils and students as if they somehow were not entitled to a fair
deal.� Our governing body has remained
resolute regarding the standard of education we try to provide at St Ivo, and
has not been prepared to see this changed beyond the obvious impact of a poor
settlement.� The present budget is
predicted to give a deficit of �200,000 by next April, actually just 3.5% of
our budget, but still too much as far as we are concerned.� In spite of this, we continue to provide
what we consider to be a good quality education for our pupils, and continue
to be well supported by parents/carers in all of our endeavours. We
have now reached the exam zone!�
Coursework deadlines have passed, Year 11 written papers have begun
and the sixth form finishes this week.�
We wish all of our pupils and students the very best during this time,
and look forward to further good results this summer. I
hope you have a good half-term.� We
re-open to pupils on Monday, 7 June. Yours
sincerely Michael
Mahoney Head |