
GCSE design and technology exhibition

������������ A selection of coursework

������������ from our Year 11 students


������������ + AS/A2 level



graphic products���� electronic products���� resistant materials���� food technology


All parents and students - please come along

Open invite


4 - 8 pm


Tues 8th June



T9, Craft Block

St Ivo School

On display will be the three winners� work from the Young Designer competition - organised by the Rotary Club of St Ives.Congratulations to Rachel for the aviation wheelchair, Charlotte for her sixth form centre CD storage and clock and also Richard for his guitar storage unit.


We also have on display a range of work from each of the specialist areas in Design and Technology.We use the exhibition to provide guidance and inspiration to the Year 10 groups who are currently working on their GCSE projects. This helps them to understand more fully the process of design and also broadens their understanding of the processes of making available to them in school.Please come along to see the work if you can.


Year 7 Lake District Trip


We are holding a short session on Wednesday evening, 10th June at 6 pm in L5.All parents should attend if possible.We will be presenting the itinerary and also discussing the kit list.We can also answer any questions you may have about the visit.


I look forward to seeing you there.


Mrs C Morrison

Head of Department