Message from the Head of Sixth Form
The St Ivo Sixth Form prides itself on offering a wide choice of academic, pre-vocational and extra-curricular opportunities for all its students. Appropriate programmes are designed for students in consultation with tutors and careers staff. The challenges of new post-16 courses are ahead with Year 12 students following a course of 4 AS levels or an equivalent combination of level 2 vocational, applied GCE and AS levels complemented by work in the key skills of communication, use of number and information communication technology. Students either take three of their AS levels or equivalent to a more advanced A2 level or extend level 2 vocational studies to applied GCE advanced level. High levels of achievement are expected and attained. All students must complement academic studies with a well-rounded programme of extra-curricular activities, from community service to sports. To achieve such standards, the school expects a high degree of commitment from its students. In exchange, the students should feel an entitlement to high standards from the school. This forms the basis of the Sixth Form Contract.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school to share any worries or concerns you may have about your son's or daughter's work at any time in the Sixth Form. You should contact school via myself or my two assistants and we will arrange for you to speak to the appropriate staff.
Mrs K Perry - Head of Sixth Form
Mrs M Gosling and Mrs V Rix - Assistant Heads of Sixth Form
Useful Links
To contact the Sixth Form team email
Useful documents: Sixth Form parent handbook 2015-16, Sixth Form learning agreement.
The Sixth Form bulletin is issued to students (via form tutors and email) every week. An example bulletin can be accessed here.
16-19 Bursary: letter to parents, policy document, student agreement and application form
UCAS website - lots of useful information for students applying for higher education. There is a newsletter you can sign up for. In particular information on the new UCAS Tariff can be found here.
You can now access the prospectus and associated documents for entry to the Sixth Form in September 2017 using the links below:
All St Ivo Year 11 students have been issued with a paper copy of the prospectus, and will be given a copy of the entry requirements booklet in November.
Enrichment Opportunities
We have many opportunities for sixth formers to get involved in whilst at St Ivo Sixth Form. Please see the list here. A separate list of Sixth Form volunterring opportunities and clubs is also accessible here.
Sixth Form Learning Agreement
My studies are important, and I have the right to expect a number of things from my time in St Ivo Sixth Form. These include:
- High quality lessons in my chosen subjects
- Class work and homework that prepares me effectively for exams
- Assistance consistent with exam board guidelines, with the preparation of coursework
- Daily registration and contact with my form tutor
- Help, guidance and support from my form tutor
- Other support from subject teachers and pastoral staff as necessary
In order to ensure that I learn as effectively as possible agree with the terms set out below.
- I will attend all registrations punctually
- I will attend all lessons punctually
- I will always work to the best of my ability
- I will produce all the work required of me in a timely fashion
- I will ensure that if I don’t understand something that I will raise the problem with the relevant teacher well ahead of any deadline
- I will meet all deadlines set by subject teachers
- Students must telephone school on the day of absence.
- On return to school a student must bring a note signed by a parent/carer.
- An authorised absence known beforehand should be authorised by completing an HSEP form.
Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for further details.
Career Opportunities
Students looking to enter the world of work after St Ivo may find the following links useful.
Apprenticeship vacancy matching service - this government agency provides lists of current apprenticeship vacancies – searchable by postcode.
West Anglia Training Association - this government agency provides training and apprenticeships for local Small and Medium Enterprises. The organisation is based in Huntingdon. Contact
NHS Careers - this NHS agency provides recruitment services for NHS non graduate careers.
Construction Industry Training Board - this privately run agency provides apprenticeships for the construction industry. Contact
Department for Work and Pensions job search facility
Ministry of Defence websites for: army careers, navy careers and RAF careers
Youth Support Services for Huntingdon
Jobs Now - privately run jobs agency website
Cambridgeshire County Council website for council job opportunities