House System

House System

Introduced in September 2017, our House System is encouraging students to mix more outside of their usual groups. Increased teamwork across years is creating a more cohesive student body, whilst form groups being divided amongst the Houses leads to some healthy competition.

There are many opportunities for students to gain House points, both through individual accomplishments and inter-House competitions in areas such as sport, languages and music.

Every Friday we publish the House points totals on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, and students can see the star students and points breakdowns for each week displayed in the noticeboards in the main foyer.

The Houses

There are five Houses, with names inspired by the elements of the school badge. In this way the school is linking the old with the new. All students belong to either Bridge (green), Crosier (purple), Leger (red), River (blue) or Wheatsheaf (gold) House. For Years 7 to 10, their House is denoted be the coloured stripe on their blazer.

House Leadership

Each House is led by a member of staff who acts as Head of House, together with a House Captain from the Sixth Form and Vice Captains from Years 10 and 11. Other opportunities for student leadership are being developed.

The Director of the House System is Ben Daly. The information below will be updated autumn 2018.

House Head of House House Captain
Bridge (Green) Mr Dover Molly 12Ch Freddie 11Yo and Millie 10Te
Crosier (Purple) Miss McAdam Scarlett 12Ch Grace 11Wx and Tilly 10Sn
Leger (Red) Mr Dominy Oliver 13Ca/Gt Eddie 11Wx and Jaden 10Gg/Jn
River (Blue) Mr Hall Bethan 12De/Bd Ellie 11Cc and Elizabeth 10Fi
Wheatsheaf (Gold) Miss Brown Jasmine 12Mx Emily 11Cr and Anastasia 10Wn

House Meetings and Charities

Regular House meetings are led by the House Captain and Vice Captains. All students are welcome to come along, share ideas and collaborate. The House meetings also give students the opprtunity to plan fundraising activities for their House charity.