St Ivo School

Welcome to the Year 11 page

The Year 11 tutor team for 2015 - 2016 are:

Head of Year: Mr B Daly
Assistant Head of Year: Mrs J Page

Sixth Form Prospectus. The application form is available as a separate document for easy printing. Our entry requirements booklet is also now available. Please note that in addition to the subjects in the prospectus, we are looking to offer Level 2 Sports Development Programme and A Level Classical Civilisation - more details to follow. Parents/carers and students may also wish to refer to information regarding A level changes on the curriculum changes page.

An overview of controlled assessments for all subjects is now available. We hope parents/carers and students find this information useful, if you have any queries please contact your child's subject teacher in the first instance, email addresses can be found on the contact us page.

Form Tutors:

Mr S Bamber, Miss H Campbell, Mrs M England, Mr A Gower, Mrs C Lock, Mrs J Moore, Mrs K Peck, Mrs S West and Miss E Williamson.

Message from the Head of Year

Year 11 is the most important year in school, having the culmination of GCSE courses and the threshold to Post-16 education and training. Mock examinations in December will give students a foretaste of things to come next summer and targets to aim for. Keeping up to date with homework and meeting coursework deadlines will be vital. Good planning and organisation will enable students to meet the challenges of a demanding workload, yet at the same time enjoy a full range of leisure and social activities. At the end of it all there is the Year 11 prom to look forward to!

Year 11 students are the senior members of main school. We look to them to set an example to our younger students by maintaining high standards of behaviour, attendance, punctuality and uniform. They can continue to contribute to school life at Year Council meetings, by helping younger students and by helping in the running of clubs and other activities.

This is a demanding and challenging year. As a school we work to set a climate in which standards are high and pupils and their achievements are celebrated. We continue to value your support and look forward to a successful year. If you have any concerns or points you would like to discuss, please contact us and we will do our best to help wherever possible.


All students follow a core curriculum which includes English, mathematics, science, computing, Learning4life and PE. Students then choose four further options. Grades for GCSE are generally awarded for a combination of coursework/controlled conditions and final written examination. Some subjects have a written examination only. Full details of the Key Stage 4 curriculum and individual subject outlines are in the Curriculum Booklet issued to students when they made their subject choices in Year 9. Details of coursework projects and deadlines are published at intervals during the two years.


Homework continues to be set in Year 11 and is an integral and valuable part of all courses. Some tasks may stretch over two or three evenings; coursework projects and assignments will take longer. Students should also start to read around their subjects to enable them to develop ideas beyond formal text books and lessons. Students will need to take responsibility for keeping up to date with their work and should contact teachers immediately if problems arise. From September 2015, homework tasks will be recorded on the Go4schools online system which is accessible to both parents/carers and students. The Year 11 homework timetable gives an indication of the homework students should expect to receive.

Educational Visits

Parents/carers who are registered with ParentMail will be notified of educational visits by email, and can make payments through the ParentMail website. For an overview of all educational visits, including approximate costs, please see the Educational Visits page.

Important Diary Dates

Monday 11th - Thursday 21st January: written mock exams.

Monday 25th - Friday 29th January: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.

Wednesday 27th January: world of work event (date change); GCSE French masterclass.

Tuesday 2nd & Wednesday 3rd February: GCSE French oral exams.

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd February: whole school production "The Taming of the Shrew" at 7.30pm in the Drama Studio.

Wednesday 3rd February: GCSE German masterclass.

Thursday 4th & Friday 5th February: GCSE German oral exams.

Monday 8th - Friday 12th February: GCSE Catering exams.

Thursday 11th February: GCSE Music exams.

Friday 12th February: non uniform day.

Monday 15th to Friday 19th February: half term.

Tuesday 23rd February: Music department Gamelan project and evening concert.

Thursday 25th February: parents'/carers' evening.

Monday 29th February - Friday 4th March: GCSE Drama practical exams during this week.

Thursday 3rd March: English visit; information evening.

Monday 7th March: vaccinations.

Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.

Monday 21st - Friday 25th March: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.

Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.

Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).

Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).

Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.

Tuesday 3rd - Friday 6th May: GCSE Drama practical exams.

Monday 16th May: GCSE written exams begin.

Friday 20th May: final assembly.

Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.

Thursday 7th July: Prom.

Thursday 25th August: GCSE results day.

Uniform Lockers Bicycles
We would ask for support from parents/carers to ensure that the high standard of uniform is maintained. These are available for all students, although some students may be asked to share. Students must provide their own lock and keys. Students may leave bicycles in the racks provided around the school site. A very strong lock should be used.
Absence and Punctuality
Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for details.
For reasons of security, students are asked not to bring valuable items or large sums of money into school. If, for any reason, such items need to be brought in, they should be given to the student's form tutor or head of year for safe keeping. All personal possessions should be clearly marked with the pupil's name and form. Please note that the school cannot accept liability for any items lost, stolen or damaged on school premises.