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St Ivo School

Welcome to the Year 8 page

The Year 8 tutor team for 2014 - 2015 are:

Head of Year: Mrs J Slater
Assistant Head of Year: Mr D West

Form Tutors:

Dr K Angus, Mr A Booysen, Ms M Cody, Mrs K Eagle, Miss E MacLeod, Mr T McLeod, Mrs E Menzies/Dr N Eaton, Miss M Smart and Mrs R Yorke.

Message from the Head of Year

In Year 7 the foundations were laid by your child. Year 8 is the time to build on those foundations. It is important that as pupils, staff and parents we work together to ensure that your child progresses. If you have any concerns about your child's progress please do not hesitate to contact myself or the Assistant Head of Year in school.


In Year 8 students study:

Art, dance, drama, English, geography, history, computing, mathematics, a modern foreign language (some students may also study a second language), music, PE, RE, science, technology and personal and social education.

Teaching will be mainly in tutor groups, although setting takes place in mathematics and languages. Smaller groups are formed for technology for safety reasons.

Year 8 Planner/Homework Diary

During Year 8, we continue to encourage pupils to take an increasing responsibility for their own learning and the personal organisation of their work, both at home and in school. To this end, all pupils will be given a personal planner in which to record homework tasks and deadlines. The planners also assist with effective communication between home and school - essential to support the pupils' learning. There is space for teachers to comment on pupils' attitude and behaviour and for parents/carers to note comments made. Pupils will be expected to carry the planner with them at all times. We would ask that parents/carers please check the planner each week and add their signature, and refer to the Homework Guidelines issued in July for any queries.

Click here to view the Year 8 homework timetable.

Educational Visits

Parents/carers who are registered with ParentMail will be notified of educational visits by email, and can make payments through the ParentMail website. For an overview of all educational visits, including approximate costs, please see the Educational Visits page.

Important Diary Dates

Friday 22nd May: non uniform day.

Monday 25th - Friday 29th May: half term.

Thursday 4th June: history trip.

Tuesday 16th June: Summer Music Concert.

Thursday 18th June: parents/carers evening.

Monday 22nd June: girls HPV vaccinations.

Friday 26th June - Saturday 4th July: Switzerland trip departs.

Wednesday 8th July: interform athletics.

Monday 6th July: progress data on Go4Schools will be updated during this week.

Wednesday 8th July: enterprise day.

Friday 10th July: non uniform day.

Wednesday 22nd July: last day of school year.

Uniform Lockers Bicycles
We would ask for support from parents/carers to ensure that the high standard of uniform is maintained. These are available for all students, although some students may be asked to share. Students must provide their own lock and keys. Students may leave bicycles in the racks provided around the school site. A very strong lock should be used.
Absence and Punctuality
Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for details.
For reasons of security, students are asked not to bring valuable items or large sums of money into school. If, for any reason, such items need to be brought in, they should be given to the student's form tutor or head of year for safe keeping. All personal possessions should be clearly marked with the pupil's name and form. Please note that the school cannot accept liability for any items lost, stolen or damaged on school premises.