St Ivo School

Welcome to the Year 9 page

The Year 9 tutor team for 2015 - 2016 are:

Head of Year: Mrs J Slater
Assistant Head of Year: Mr D West

The Key Stage 4 Curriculum Booklet is now available. The choices form to be submitted by Monday 29th February is also available as a separate document for easy printing.

Form Tutors:

Dr K Angus, Miss C Barnes, Mr A Booysen, Ms M Cody, Mrs K Eagle, Mrs J Jarvis/Dr A Meadows, Mr T McLeod, Miss M Smart and Mrs R Yorke.

Message from the Head of Year

Parents/carers, this will be a year of challenge for your sons and daughters. We look forward to supporting and encouraging all of our students as they prepare for the end of Key Stage 3 and make their choices for their GCSE courses.

The tutorial programme will includea variety of tasks to help students identify their educational, vocational and social goals. Also through tutorial work, pupils will be encouraged to see themselves and school as part of the wider community and environment and will be given an opportunity to contribute to projects and fundraising events for local or national charities.

As part of the preparation for GCSE choices, pupils will have lessons in decision-making. Both a curriculum evening and parents/carers evening will be held to share information with parents/carers about progression to Key Stage 4 courses, before option choices are finalised in March.

Sport and social opportunities will continue to play an important part in your child's school life. There will be trips, visits, dance and drama productions, clubs and societies. Later in the year, students will have the opportunity to volunteer and train for The Listening Service, a befriending service offered to younger pupils. There will be representatives on the Year and School Councils providing an opportunity for pupils to contribute towards some decisions about how the school is run.

We will be working with you to make Year 9 a valuable and worthwhile experience for your child. We look forward to meeting you at parents/carers evenings and other events during the year. If you have any concerns about the welfare or progress of your child, do please contact us at school and we shall be happy to help.


In Year 9 students study:

Art, dance, drama, English, geography, history, computing, mathematics, a language (some students may also study a second language), music, PE, RE, science and technology.


Homework is an integral and important part of all subjects. Getting into the habit of taking homework seriously and handing it in on time, is a valuable preparation for examination and coursework requirements at GCSE. Parents have a vital role in supporting and contributing to their child's learning. We ask you to continue to show interest in the homework which is set and monitor that it is being completed. From September 2015, homework tasks will be recorded on the Go4schools online system which is accessible to both parents/carers and students. The Year 9 homework timetable gives an indication of the homework students should expect to receive.

Educational Visits

Parents/carers who are registered with ParentMail will be notified of educational visits by email, and can make payments through the ParentMail website. For an overview of all educational visits, including approximate costs, please see the Educational Visits page.

Important Diary Dates

Monday 29th February: deadline for return of option choices.

Monday 14th March: interform periods 1 - 3 (girls hockey, boys football).

Friday 18th March: non uniform day for Sports Relief.

Thursday 24th March: Spring Concert in the evening (school hall); last day of spring term.

Tuesday 12th April: student return for summer term (professional day 11th April).

Wednesday 20th April: Easter Dance Performance in the evening (school hall).

Monday 25th April: girls vaccinations.

Tuesday 26th - Thursday 28th April: CATs tests.

Monday 2nd May: school closed for bank holiday.

Friday 27th May: non uniform day.

Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June: half term.

Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th June: Geography visits.

Wednesday 15th June: Summer Concert in the evening (school hall).

Thursday 30th June & Friday 1st July: English and Maths exams.

Monday 4th - Friday 8th July: assessment data on Go4schools will be updated during this week.

Monday 11th July: interform athletics all day.

Friday 15th July: non uniform day.

Thursday 21st July: whole school final assembly; last day of school year.

Uniform Lockers Bicycles
We would ask for support from parents/carers to ensure that the high standard of uniform is maintained. These are available for all students, although some students may be asked to share. Students must provide their own lock and keys. Students may leave bicycles in the racks provided around the school site. A very strong lock should be used.
Absence and Punctuality
Please visit the Attendance section of the Essential Information page for details.
For reasons of security, students are asked not to bring valuable items or large sums of money into school. If, for any reason, such items need to be brought in, they should be given to the student's form tutor or head of year for safe keeping. All personal possessions should be clearly marked with the pupil's name and form. Please note that the school cannot accept liability for any items lost, stolen or damaged on school premises.